Monsoon of 1990 Plot
Against the backdrop of the 1995 monsoons, the heart-warming tale of the Awasthi family continues through this new season. Siblings Rishi and Ritika continue to be alternately at war with each other and in cahoots as they explore new adventures everyday.
Yeh Meri Family Monsoon of 1990 aired on August 16th, 2024.
Monsoon of 1990 Episodes
1. Independence Day
Rishi and Ritika finally gain independence from their controlling parents, as Neerja, Sanjay and Dadi have to visit bade papa due to an emergency. But then come clouds of rain and unexpected problems.
2. Manglu
The siblings are at war as Raksha Bandhan is around the corner. But when Ritika brings an abandoned puppy home, the kids have to come together to keep it a secret.
3. Bhai Ho To Aisa
Bade papa’s son Ashu is here to stay at Awasthi Niwas. Rishi is thrilled to finally have an elder brother as he always desired. However, Ashu is not who he seems to be. Ritika is concerned.
4. Heels
Ritika wants heels but no one is ready to fulfill her wish. In her efforts to get a pair, she ends up crossing a line. Ritika has to find balance between her desire, self esteem and family values.
5. Dosti = Pyaar?
While Neerja and Sanjay worry about Ritika’s fast approaching board exams, a new friendship brews between her and a new boy in class.