Winter of 1994 Plot
In the winter of 1994, Awasthi family’s elder daughter, a teenager Ritika, balances school, family, friendship, dreams desires and other challenges of growing up.
Yeh Meri Family Winter of 1994 aired on May 19th, 2023.
Winter of 1994 Episodes
1. Apna Kamra
15-year-old Ritika, amidst the chaos of the Awasthi family, feels the need to have a room of her own. But an unexpected visit from a family guest drastically disturbs her plan.
2. Party
It’s the new year. Ritika wants to meet her crush. Yet, the seemingly charming boy breaks her heart. On top of her secrecy is about to get disclosed when an unexpected turn of events shows her a way out.
3. Cable TV
As Ritika voluntarily becomes the caretaker of the family, with her mother ill, fear of exams come knocking her down. Will she find an unexpected savior?
4. Parent Teacher Meeting
The PTM takes an unexpected turn when Ritika’s mother, a teacher is accused of having children unworthy of a respectable school - teacher. Rishi and Ritika decide to prove they are worthy. There comes a moment where Ritika has to choose between her ambition and that of her younger brother.
5. Blank Call
Ritika has a secret admirer. He crosses a line. She is in a situation where she does not feel comfortable in launching a complaint. A helping hand comes from a direction that Ritika could never have imagined.