Season 1 Episodes
1. Shotgun Saturday 01
The Flying Nuns (Mother Smucker & Sister Angelica) vs The Godwinns (Henry O. & Phineas I. Godwinn) Goldust vs The Sultan Ahmed Johnson vs Crush Mascarita Sagrada Jr. vs Mini Vader
2. Shotgun Saturday 02
Sunny promises to debut her home sex video as she joins Vince McMahon for commentary with the "Wildman" Marc Mero battling 'Diesel'; Savio Vega taking on Faarooq of the Nation Of Domination; Rocky Maivia against 'Razor Ramon'; and big time tag team action.
3. Shotgun Saturday 03
Live at Denim & Diamonds the night before the Royal Rumble in San Antonio. Vince McMahon and Jim Ross host... ā¢ Goldust vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin ā¢ Rocky Maivia vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley ā¢ Jeff Jarrett vs. Faarooq.
4. Shotgun Saturday 04
Live from New York's Webster Hall, Vince McMahon and Sunny host... ā¢ Sid vs. Crush ā¢ Savio Vega vs. Rocky Maivia ā¢ Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Salvatore Sincere ā¢ Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Mankind.
5. Shotgun Saturday 05
Live from the Mirage Night Club in NYC. Vince McMahon and Sunny host... ā¢ Ahmed Johnson vs. Vader ā¢ Mankind vs. British Bulldog ā¢ Savio Vega vs. Jesse James ā¢ The Godwinns vs. The Headbangers.
6. Shotgun Saturday 06
Live from Penn Station in New York City. Vince McMahon and Sunny host... ā¢ Intercontinental Title Match: Hunter Hearst Helmsley (c) vs. Undertaker ā¢ The Godwinns vs. Faarooq & Crush.
7. Shotgun Saturday 7
Airing the night before In Your House: Final Four, Todd Pettengill hosts hightlights of WWF action.
8. Shotgun Saturday 8
Jim Ross and Vince McMahon host a look back at Monday's Raw that saw Bret Hart vs. Sid for the WWF Title along with exclusive post-match backstage footage, Kevin Kelly interviews Sycho Sid plus... ā¢ British Bulldog vs. Crush ā¢ Goldust vs. TL Hopper ā¢ The Headbangers vs. The Godwinns.