Worst Year of My Life, Again!

Worst Year of My Life, Again! Stream and Watch Online

TV Show

Watch 'Worst Year of My Life, Again!' Online

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Want to behold the glory that is "Worst Year of My Life, Again!" on your TV, phone, or tablet? Searching for a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or watch the comedy TV series via subscription can be confusing, so we here at Moviefone want to take the pressure off.

Read on for a listing of streaming and cable services – including rental, purchase, and subscription choices – along with the availability of "Worst Year of My Life, Again!" on each platform. Now, before we get into the various whats and wheres of how you can watch "Worst Year of My Life, Again!" right now, here are some specifics about the ABC TV show.

Originally premiering April 26th, 2014, "Worst Year of My Life, Again!" stars Ned Napier, Tiarnie Coupland, Laurence Boxhall, Arielle O'Neill. The series runs 1 season(s), and has a score of 68 (out of 100) on TMDB, which assembled reviews from 5 experienced people.

Curious to know what the TV series is about? Here’s the plot: "What if you woke up one morning to discover you had to relive the most excruciating 12 months of high school all over again? Alex King has had a horrible year - humiliated by his teachers, targeted by bullies and embarrassed by attempts to impress the most popular girl in school. So when he wakes up on his birthday to discover that somehow time has reset itself, he can't believe he must relive every miserable moment of the past 12 months once more. Until his friends Simon Birch and Maddy Kent convince him he's being offered a second chance and maybe this time round, he can get it right."

"Worst Year of My Life, Again!" is currently available to stream via subscription, rental, or purchase on and Tubi TV .