Season 1 Plot
In a bleak dystopian future, humanity clings to survival deep underground within the confines of a colossal silo. Juliette, an engineer tasked with unraveling the mystery behind the death of a colleague, uncovers startling secrets that threaten the very fabric of their enclosed world.
Silo Season 1 aired on May 4th, 2023.
Silo Season 1 Review
Premiering with its first two episodes on May 5th, ‘Silo’ represents Apple TV+ moving into the sort of dystopian territory covered extensively in movies and TV series, but also managing to say something new about human foibles and the lies that can build up within authority.What’s the story of ‘Silo’?‘Silo’ tells of the last ten thousand people on earth, their mile-deep home protecting them from the toxic and deadly world outside.
However, no one knows when or why the silo was built and any who try to find out face fatal consequences –– if you do end up challenging the authority, you’re sent outside to clean the lens of the one camera sending footage of the outdoors… Which as far as anyone knows is a death sentence in the most agonizing fashion. Rebecca Ferguson stars as Juliette, an engineer, who seeks answers about a loved one's murder and tumbles onto a mystery that goes far deeper than she could have ever imagined, leading her to discover that if the lies don't
Season 1 Episodes
1. Freedom Day
Sheriff Becker's plans for the future are thrown off course after his wife meets a hacker with information about the silo.
2. Holston's Pick
Juliette, an engineer, pieces together what might have led to a co-worker's mysterious death.
3. Machines
In her hunt for a new sheriff, Mayor Jahns clashes with Bernard. Juliette strikes a deal to keep the generator running.
4. Truth
Juliette tries gaining the trust of Deputy Marnes as they work to uncover the truth about recent tragedies.
5. The Janitor's Boy
Sims appoints Billings as chief deputy to keep tabs on Juliette, whose efforts to solve two murders lead to a showdown.
6. The Relic
During her investigation, Juliette uncovers disturbing secrets about someone she thought she knew.
7. The Flamekeepers
Bernard seeks Juliette's cooperation as he grows increasingly concerned about the silo's security. Juliette asks her father for a favor.
8. Hanna
New information causes Juliette to see her family's past differently—and she finally gains access to the silo's biggest secrets.
9. The Getaway
Racked with guilt, Billings sets off on a personal mission, only to discover a mind-blowing clue from Juliette.
10. Outside
Juliette's fate seems sealed when certain truths finally come to light.