Season 1 Plot
"Wojeck," crafted by Phillip Hersch, found its inspiration in the impactful work of Dr. Morton Shulman, Toronto's chief coroner. Shulman's investigations into deaths due to institutional and industrial neglect, emphasizing the need for improved safety standards, influenced the series.
Wojeck Season 1 aired on September 12th, 1966.
Season 1 Episodes
1. The Last Man in the World
Joe Smith, a Cree from Moosonee, comes to the city in search of work and is driven to end his life in a jail cell. Steve Wojeck investigates and uncovers aspects of the alien society which led Joe to his death.
2. Listen! An Old Man is Speaking
About an outspoken old man, shunted aside by society.
3. All Aboard for Candyland
4. The Cold Smile of Friends (1)
Gale Fletcher, a pregnant and unwed patient of Wojeck's, is found to be suffering from a critical illness. Meanwhile, a dress designer seeks an illegal abortion without her husband's knowledge.
5. The Cold Smile of Friends (2)
Wojeck continues his involvement with Gale Fletcher, a pregnant, unwed woman suffering from a critical illness, and is called to investigate the death of a doctor who was a suspect in an illegal abortion case.
6. Does Anyone Remember the Victim's Name?
Wojeck investigates the death of a young man suspected of brutally murdering an old woman. The youth was killed by a veteran police officer, and newspapers accuse the officer of police brutality. Wojeck's investigation incites unforeseen attention from some influential citizens.
7. Pick a Time, Any Time
8. Thy Mother a Lady, Lovely and Bright
Coroner Steve Wojeck investigates the case of a young woman who died in childbirth. Negligence on the part of the hospital staff is suspected by Wojeck as he becomes acquainted with the woman's artist husband Gerry Coleman and his unusual Trotskyite neighbors, Gus and Bea Lefkowitz.
9. Another Dawn, Another Surprise, Another Day
Investigating a woman's murder, Wojeck suspects her husband, and worries that the husband's landlady may be in danger.