Season 1 Plot
This six-part series tells the story of legendary safe cracker and career criminal Ted West and his fire cracker of a wife, Rita. Combining real events and the rich folklore of the West family and associates, this is rollicking history, and a tempestuous romance, set at a time of great social upheaval.
Westside Season 1 aired on May 31st, 2015.
Season 1 Episodes
1. All That Impedes Thee From the Golden Round
Ted West is reunited with his true love, Rita. But she has a secret and he has a lot to prove if he’s to get back on top of his gang and his game...
2. Is't Far You Ride?
Ted confronts his great white whale, as Rita battles boredom. And a war with the Dallies turns up unexpected opportunities.
3. Instruments of Darkness Tell Us Truths
Ted and Rita both champion good causes: a disco dancing overstayer and a mouse who needs to roar.
4. Our Poison'd Chalice
The matter of the poisoned lamington splits the house of West and leads Ted and Rita to sex, drugs and rock & roll.
5. Dire Combustion
The biggest job yet has explosive consequences for the Wests. Oh, and Wolf has a girlfriend.
6. But For a Wayward Son
Ted and Rita realise they have raised a problem child. But how to do deal with him? They both have the answer...