Season 4 Plot
Season four follows renowned drag queens, Sasha Velour, Priyanka, Jaida Essence Hall, and Latrice Royale, as they continue the show's mission of spreading love and connection through the art of drag across small-town America. This season, the queens work with participants in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and Tulsa, Oklahoma, as well as in surrounding towns, and take an in-depth, immersive look at recent anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, and the effect it has had on the community.
We're Here Season 4 aired on April 26th, 2024.
Season 4 Episodes
1. Tennessee (1)
Amid a drag ban, our new Queens work with a trans woman tired of "passing," a musician, and a drag performer with a heavy heart.
2. Tennessee (2)
After a successful first drag show, the Queens prepare for a larger one in the center of town before risking arrest at a town hall meeting.
3. Tennessee (3)
After a worse-than-expected town hall meeting, the Queens refocus their efforts and hope the local community shows up for their kids.
4. Oklahoma (1)
The Queens are joined by Latrice Royale in Oklahoma, a state that has recently introduced an alarming number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills.
5. Oklahoma (2)
As the Queens struggle to secure a venue for their show, Latrice finds unexpected healing in Tulsa.
6. Oklahoma (3)
After securing a venue, Sasha, Priyanka, and Latrice - along with their drag daughters - prepare for a drag show of biblical proportions.