Washington Week with The Atlantic

Washington Week with The Atlantic 2016

TV Show

2016 Episodes

1. Executive Action on Guns, North Korean Nuclear Threat and Countdown to Iowa & NH

January 8th, 201623 min

Obama proposes changes to curb gun violence, North Korea claims h-bomb test and Donald Trump takes aim at Clinton and Cruz

2. Trump, Cruz dominate GOP debate; Democratic race tightens and President Obama's final State of the Union

January 15th, 201623 min

Republicans debate Cruz's eligibility to be president, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are neck-and-neck and Obama's final year agenda.

3. Political Storm with One Week to Iowa, Supreme Court to Weigh Immigration Plan and Iran Releases U.S. Prisoners

January 22nd, 201623 min

Trump and Sanders gaining momentum, SCOTUS to decide on halt of deportations and Washington Post reporter released from Iran

4. State of the 2016 Campaign: Iowa Caucus Countdown

January 29th, 201623 min

Republicans debate but Donald Trump skips out while Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are in a dead heat.

5. 2016 race turns to New Hampshire; Clinton, Sanders debate

February 5th, 201623 min

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders debate one-on-one. Republican race shakes up after Iowa.

6. Washington Week in Milwaukee: Analysis from the Site of the Democratic Debate and the Narrowing Republican Field

February 12th, 201623 min

We examine the state of the 2016 presidential campaign from the site of the PBS NewsHour debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

7. The Fight to Replace Antonin Scalia at the Supreme Court and The Donald vs. The Pope

February 19th, 201623 min

The sudden death of Justice Scalia sets off an uproar about who should nominate his successor.

8. Trump, Rubio, Cruz battle ahead of Super Tuesday and Obama fights Congress over Supreme Court and GITMO

February 26th, 201623 min

Trump marches to the Republican presidential nomination while his opponents up their attacks.

9. Can establishment Republicans stop Donald Trump? Rubio, Cruz take aim at GOP frontrunner

March 4th, 201623 min

Donald Trump marches to the GOP nomination as party leaders try to stop his rise.

10. Republican Race Turns Civil Ahead of Florida and Ohio, The

March 11th, 201623 min

Rubio and Kasich face critical home state tests in Florida and Ohio.

11. Showdown over Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, Republican insiders try to

March 18th, 201623 min

Senate Republicans refuse to consider Obama's latest Supreme Court nominee.

12. Terror Attack in Brussels, Obama's historic trip to Cuba and Republicans coalesce around Cruz

March 25th, 201623 min

After attacks in Brussels, the United States renewed its fight against the Islamic State.

13. Trump's Republican bona fides, Sanders & Clinton trade jabs and Supreme Court's second tie after Scalia's death

April 1st, 201623 min

Donald Trump faced criticism for comments on abortion, foreign policy and nuclear weapons.

14. Sanders takes on Clinton in New York, Trump & Cruz gear up delegate operations, down-ballot concerns and explaining the Panama Papers

April 8th, 201623 min

The 2016 race for the White House shifts to New York, and candidates start counting delegates.

15. New York state of mind: Clinton, Sanders debate in Brooklyn; Trump says GOP nominating system is

April 15th, 201623 min

Republican and Democratic White House hopefuls descend on New York ahead of Tuesday's primary.

16. Trump changes tone of campaign, Clinton fights off a resilient Sanders, Obama mends fences abroad, and U.S. currency shakeup

April 22nd, 201623 min

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton solidify their front-runner status after convincing wins in New York.

17. Election 2016: Clinton solidifies her lead, Trump talks foreign policy & Sanders' path forward

April 29th, 201623 min

As the election shifts to Indiana, Clinton and Trump widen their leads and are headed to a general election showdown.

18. Can Trump unify the Republican Party? Paul Ryan

May 6th, 201623 min

The presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump will meet with Congressional Republicans to unify the GOP.

19. Trump, Ryan try to unify the Republican Party while Clinton fights a two-front campaign. And the fight over transgender rights.

May 13th, 201623 min

Can the Republican Party unite before November? Can Hillary Clinton turn her focus to Trump?

20. Tensions rise in the Democratic Party, Trump names his SCOTUS shortlist and Obama acts on overtime pay

May 20th, 201623 min

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders continuing to fight for the Democratic nomination while Donald Trump shores up Republican support.

21. Trump Clinches Republican Nomination, Clinton's Email Troubles Continue and Obama’s Historic Visit to Hiroshima

May 27th, 201623 min

Donald Trump surpassed the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination while Hillary Clinton continues to deal with fallout over her private email server.

22. The Trumpian campaign, California dreaming and America's standing in the world

June 3rd, 201623 min

The stakes are high for Clinton, Sanders and Trump heading into the California primary.

23. The General Election Begins: Clinton clinches nomination, Obama endorses and Trump criticized by GOP leaders

June 10th, 201623 min

Hillary Clinton makes history, Bernie Sanders keeps fighting and Donald Trump takes fire

24. Orlando Shooting: Investigation and Political Fallout

June 17th, 201623 min

The deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history has sparked a debate on guns and terrorism.

25. Britain votes to leave the European Union, the Supreme Court releases decisions & Congress debates gun control

June 24th, 201623 min

While Britain throws Europe into uncertainty by voting to leave the EU, the U.S. Supreme Court decides on affirmative action and immigration, and House Democrats stage a sit-in over gun control legislation.

26. Trump and Clinton prep for conventions, terror in Turkey, and SCOTUS rules on abortion

July 1st, 201623 min

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton start the search for VPs, terror breaks out at the Istanbul airport, and SCOTUS leans left on a historic abortion ruling.

27. Fatal shootings revive questions of race and policing, FBI closes Clinton email probe and Trump meets with GOP Congress

July 8th, 201623 min

3 officer-involved shootings shock the country, Clinton will not be charged in email probe

28. Washington Week in Cleveland: Candidates respond to terror attack, Trump names Pence as VP and Sanders endorses Clinton

July 15th, 201623 min

As the Republican National Convention is about to kickoff, Donald Trump names a VP.

29. Washington Week in Philadelphia: Trump accepts Republican nomination and Clinton prepares for DNC

July 22nd, 201623 min

Days before the Democrats meet in Philadelphia, Hillary Clinton prepares to name her VP.

30. Hillary Clinton makes history as Democratic nominee and the general election strategy begins

July 29th, 201623 min

Democrats attack Trump's credibility during nominating convention.

31. Republican leaders concerned about Trump as polls show a Clinton lead

August 5th, 201623 min

Donald Trump's week of missteps and Hillary Clinton's email problems continue.

32. Election 2016: Separating the conventional from the unconventional

August 12th, 201623 min

Donald Trump sparks another political firestorm, but is his campaign catching on with voters?

33. Trump shakes up campaign staff and expresses

August 19th, 201623 min

Donald Trump's leadership team turns over and Hillary Clinton faces questions about the Clinton Foundation.

34. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton trade accusations of racism, Trump rethinks immigration and Clinton defends family foundation

August 26th, 201623 min

Trump softens on immigration while scandal still plagues Clinton, this time about the donors to the Clinton Foundation. The two also clash over race.

35. Donald Trump visits Mexico and doubles down on immigration plan while Clinton fundraises and makes the case for American exceptionalism

September 2nd, 201623 min

Trump visits Mexico and repeats his strict immigration policies in Arizona. Clinton fundraises and adopts a Republican-style embrace of American exceptionalism.

36. Washington Week in Colorado: Trump and Clinton debate national security as polls tighten

September 9th, 201623 min

37. Health, Taxes and Birtherism: The debate over transparency on the campaign trail

September 16th, 201623 min

38. National security and policing take center stage three days before the first Clinton/Trump debate

September 23rd, 201623 min

39. Campaigns build on debate momentum and Congress overrides Obama veto

September 30th, 201623 min

In the days after Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's first debate, Trump faces continued questions about his treatment of women, including a former Miss Universe who says Trump called her "Miss Piggy." Clinton had prepared for the debate by readying attacks on Trump's vulnerabilities. Trump and Clinton will face off again in nine days, but the two vice presidential candidates will debate next week. Extra: Lawmakers on Capitol Hill passed a compromise bill to keep the government funded through December and provide funding for the ongoing Flint water crisis. Plus, New York Times reporter Ashley Parker describes the "Rubik's cube" of Donald Trump personalities voters have seen during the 2016 election. Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty discusses the importance of endorsements in the presidential election. Panelists: Lisa Lerer (NPR/AP), Ashley Parker (NY Times), Karen Tumulty (Washington Post) & Ailsa Chang (NPR)

40. Trump's comments about women caught on tape as candidates prepare for second debate

October 7th, 201623 min

41. Trump denies allegations of sexual assault and Wikileaks releases hacked Clinton campaign emails

October 14th, 201623 min

42. Trump won't accept election results if he loses as Clinton expands campaign into red states

October 21st, 201623 min

43. FBI reviews newly found Clinton emails as candidates make final pitch to voters

October 28th, 201623 min

44. The Final Days of Election 2016

November 4th, 201623 min

45. Trump begins transition to the White House after deeply polarizing election

November 11th, 201623 min

46. A tribute to Gwen Ifill’s remarkable life and legacy

November 18th, 201623 min

47. Trump's Transition: President-elect's legislative priorities and cabinet picks

November 25th, 201623 min

48. Trump takes victory lap and strikes deal to save American jobs while Democrats debate the way forward

December 2nd, 201623 min

49. The Trump Transition: A deep dive into his unconventional cabinet picks

December 9th, 201623 min

50. How Obama, Trump and Congress are responding to Russian hacks in the U.S. election

December 16th, 201623 min

51. The Obama Legacy: From hope and change to achievements and setbacks

December 23rd, 201623 min

52. U.S. sanctions Russia for election hacks, Kerry rebukes Israeli settlements and Trump expresses frustration with Obama’s policies

December 30th, 201623 min

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