The Battle Continues Plot
Craig Reucassel returns for a 2nd series of the landmark series that sparked action across the nation. Craig targets plastic water bottles, straws, e-waste, fast furniture, food waste and the recycling crisis.
War on Waste The Battle Continues aired on July 24th, 2018.
The Battle Continues Episodes
1. The Battle Continues Part 1
Craig Reucassel returns for a 2nd series of the show that sparked action across the nation. Craig explores our reliance on single-use plastic items like plastic bottles and straws that damage our waterways and marine life.
2. The Battle Continues Part 2
Craig Reucassel examines the growing e-waste problem, fast furniture and continuing the #StrawNoMore movement, takes his new straw mascot - McChokey to a fast food giant.
3. The Battle Continues Part 3
In the final episode, Craig Reucassel goes undercover in a food court to see just how much food is being thrown out and explains the big role restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets have in reducing food waste.