Season 2 Episodes
1. Zeke Aaron McKinley
Vic interviews fourth grader Zeke Aaron McKinley (Anna Garcia) and finds out how he became rocks.
2. Hayes Steele
Vic interviews almost billionaire Hayes Steele (Jacob Wysocki) and discusses how he became rich.
3. Jukebox
Vic interviews intergalactic warrior Jukebox (Chris Redd) and learns about the future war.
4. Fourth Witch
Vic interviews the fourth Wayward Sister (Kimia Behpoornia) and does some prop comedy.
5. Barbara and Bill
Vic interviews Barbara and Bill (Kate Berlant and John Early), undead megachurch owners.
6. Ta'Tania Jackson
Vic interviews fairy Ta'Tania Jackson (Danielle Pinnock) and learns how to be a dominatrix.
7. Phoenix
Vic interviews Phoenix (Zac Oyama), an apparition with some unfinished business.
8. David Hoyle Jr.
Vic interviews David Hoyle Jr. (Paul F. Tompkins), a midnight louse exploring the daytime world.
9. Steffi Pops
Vic interviews their childhood toy Steffi Pops (Corin Wells) and plays some scary games.