Season 1 Plot
Memento Mori.
Unus Annus Season 1 aired on November 15th, 2019.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Unus Annus
The first episode and explanation to the year long series "Unus Annus" explains the purpose, duration, fate, and the hoped outcome for the channel
2. Cooking with Sex Toys
Mark Fischbach and Ethan Nestor cook up an egg and pancake breakfast using sex toys as cooking utensils and cutlery.
3. Purging Our Sins with a Neti Pot
Mark and Ethan prepare their bodies for the afterlife with a Neti Pot Cleanse. This horrifying contraption is designed to clear the sinuses through the application of clean water and brute force.
4. Hot Dog'd to Death
The boys chase their dreams of joining Joey Chestnut in the MLE hall of fame.
5. Making Our Own Sensory Deprivation Tank
Sensory Deprivation Tanks allow you to slip away from the noise of reality. The physical world melts away to reveal a deeper understanding of one's self and the world as a whole. But they're expensive. So we made our own.
6. The Good Kind of Cupping
Speed Cup Stacking is a time honored tradition enjoyed by thousands across the globe. Mark and Ethan attempt to learn the ways of the cup to see if they can compete in the global cup arena.
7. The Bad Kind of Cupping
To be clear, Cupping Therapy isn't bad. Mark and Ethan are bad. Cupping Therapy is an ancient healing art that involves vacuums and cups. Mark and Ethan know nothing about it but are committed to trying it for and on themselves.
8. The Worst Kind of Cupping
It's been 12 Years since a certain video about girls and a cup hit the internet - and it's never been the same since. Mark and Ethan google deep to discover where they are now - Also Mark has never seen it.
9. Ethan Will Be Kicked in the Balls
It is inevitable. It is inescapable. Your fate is sealed, Ethan. Run if you must but it's coming for you all the same.
10. Doing Each Other's Makeup in the Dark
In preparation for the darkness of the void beyond, Mark and Ethan practice doing each other's makeup in a pitch black room. Which one will get mascara in the eye?
11. Baby Hands Operation
Mark and Ethan strap on their baby hands and get straight to their most important job: Saving lives.
12. Mark and Ethan Summon a Ghost
In November of 2019, Mark and Ethan went missing. The only piece of evidence that investigators could find was this tape. Be warned; what you are about to see is disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.
13. 2 Truths and 1 Lie - Waxing Edition
2 Truths and a Lie is a great way to get to know each other. But why not throw waxing in the mix to spice up the recipe? Also Ethan is going to take a bat to Mark's van very soon.
14. Poopsie Sparkly Critters (a slime surprise...)
Poopsie Sparkly Critters are the latest and greatest slime toy sensation. Will they spit or will they poop? This question has been plaguing humanity for all time. Today - we answer it once and for all.
15. Play-Doh Thanksgiving
Mark and Ethan are ready to celebrate their last Thanksgiving with you. And with Play-Doh. The tasty treat that's fun to play with and not to eat. Don't eat Play-Doh.
16. Helium Therapy
As their voices grow higher, Ethan and Mark's friendship grows stronger.
17. Drawing Memes from Memory
These memes are dead. Long gone and long forgotten. But we cherish the memory of these memes by bringing them back from the depths of our subconscious and reacting to each other's interpretations of said memes.
18. 1 Man 100 Accents
Ethan is a man of many talents. Accents is one of them. Watch and be amazed as he regales you all the accents of the world.
19. An A.I. Predicts How We're Going to Die
A.I. is advancing at an incredible pace and Talk to Transformer is the latest example of Artificial Intelligence being used in new and slightly scary ways. Can this A.I. predict how we will die?
20. Mark Turns Ethan into a Mummy to Prepare Him for the Great Beyond
Mummification is the key to eternal life after death. The ancient Egyptians went to great lengths to make the best mummies possible. Now, thousands of years later, with the help of modern technology we have perfected the process.
21. The Chubby Gummy Challenge
Chubby Bunny is so last decade. We're bringing challenge videos into the 2020s with the Chubby Gummy Challenge. And yes - it's just as gross as you'd think.
22. We Buy a Professional Hypnosis Video and React To It
Hypnosis is the art of suggestion. And in 2019 there just so happens to be professional hypnosis videos for sale on the internet. So we buy one and hypnotize ourselves by reacting to it.
23. Mark and Ethan Attempt an Escape Room
Escape Room, such a simple concept. You are trapped in a room and you have to escape. If you fail, the darkness will take you. Ethan and Mark venture to The Basement in LA to attempt their most devious escape room yet. THE COURTYARD.
24. Ethan Destroys Mark's Van with a Bat
The time has come. We gave you a challenge but you failed. Now, Mark's precious van must pay the price. Rest in Pieces, The Barrel.
25. There's Still Hope...
The Barrel has left us and is with the great mechanic in the sky - but there may still be hope. Through the power of song, we may be able to bring her back. Who knows, maybe - just maybe, we'll be able to make a miracle happen.
26. Ethan Gives Mark a Viking Funeral
A Viking Funeral is when you send your dearly departed down a river on a boat and then light that boat on fire with a flaming arrow. Probably not historically accurate but neither is our recreation.
27. The Great Meat Mistake
The boys call upon their German heritage to help them stuff the most delicious sausages in the world.
28. Acupuncture Is NOT Painful
Mark and Ethan open their inner eye's through the power of Acupuncture.
29. Floating in a Real Sensory Deprivation Tank
We tried to make a sensory deprivation chamber and failed miserably. Now - we go to the real deal. With 1500lbs of salt and a whole bunch of water, you'll float to.
30. Mark Reviews The Impossible Burger But There's a Looming Sense of Impending Doom
Death is always watching - and in this case, it has a paintball gun.
31. We Made Nude Paintings of Eachother
Just 2 bros making nude paintings of each other in the buff. Nothing wrong with it. Nothing right with it either but that's not the point.
32. You Made Beautiful Music for The Barrel... But Only One Could Win
You blew us away with the incredible music you crafted in honor of The Barrel. Now The Barrel can live on in our memories.
33. We Had To Drink Each Other's Pee
Through the power of the Life Straw, Ethan and Mark taste each other's urine.
34. Ethan Explores Mark's Haunted Basement
Strange noises have been emanating from Mark's basement. He dares not venture down there. He is no fool. But he knows a fool. He knows the most foolish fool there is.
35. Giving Away Our 1,000,000 Subscriber Gold Play Button
You helped us reach our goal faster than we ever thought possible. And true to our word, we set out to hand deliver the Golden Play Button directly to one of you.
36. Ethan's Relaxing and Totally Normal Nail Salon
As an act of friendship, Ethan attempts to calm Mark's stress with a little spa time.
37. Taped and Afraid
Mark wants to be immortalized in a sculpture but marble is too expensive and experts even more so. Thus the only options left are a Tape Sculpture and Ethan - what's the worst that could happen?
38. What Was The Most Painful Thing We've Ever Endured?
We're bringing Tier Lists into the 2020s with our Pain Scale to benchmark our most painful experiences.
39. Donating Toys to Charity
In the spirit of giving, we set to work to fill up Mark's sleigh with the help of our good pal Jacksepticeye.
40. Harnessing Our Dogs' Unlimited Energy
Like Icarus who came before them, Mark and Ethan fly too close to the sun. Or at least they attempt to fly. Shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars. Shoot for the north pole and you'll land about 3 inches from where you started.
41. Santa's Mukbang (Drinking 1 Gallon of Eggnog)
Mark and Ethan attempt to match Santa's insatiable hunger by consuming a mere fraction of the eggnog and cookies that Santa eats every Christmas.
42. Forcibly Turning Mark Into Santa Claus Against His Will
In an attempt to complete the circle of life, Ethan turns Mark into Saint Nick.
43. Preserving Ourselves In Wax
Improving our minds, bodies and souls is our #1 priority, so to preserve our temples of flesh even more, we dipped them in wax.
44. Beating Inanimate Objects to Death
In search of a controlled environment to let out their anger, Mark and Ethan visit Rage Grounds in Los Angeles. No bottle, mug, or friendship is safe when the boys get a lead pipe in their hands.
45. Emotional Pain vs Physical Pain... Which is Worse?
Here at Unus Annus we've already rated our worst Physical Pains - so now it's time to rank our Emotional Pain. Watch with care as we discuss the most traumatic experiences of our lives.
46. Duct Tape Crucifixion (Amy, Please Don't Watch This Video)
Crucifixion was abolished a long time ago but no one was around to stop us so we took some duct tape and tried to attach each other to the walls and doors. Amy, please don't watch this video.
47. You Blink You Lose
The eyes are the window into the soul. You better not look away - you might miss something.
48. 2 Grown Men Attempt the Presidential Fitness Test
The Presidential Fitness Test is a benchmark to see if the youth of America are up to the arbitrary standards of fitness set forth by the government. Are we still up to the task? Are we still fit?
49. We Took The Polar Plunge
There is only one RIGHT way to start a new year: By submerging yourself in freezing cold water.
50. Hiding Our Sins from Amy's Holy Peepers
Time has run out. Amy has returned. Will we be able to cover up the evidence of our sin from Amy's eternal peepers?
51. We Eat Bugs
Bugs are all around us. Tiny little morsels of nutrition just waiting to be cronched. Would you monch an insect? We did.
52. DIY Bungee Jump (please don't try this)
A bungee jump is a great way to get an adrenaline rush but it's so expensive. So we decided to make our own DIY Bungee Jump right in our backyard. What could go wrong?
53. We Have The BEST Thumbnails on YouTube and No One Can Tell Us Otherwise
Mark and Ethan go into the deep, dark depths of YouTube in search of the best and worst thumbnails.
54. Who Can Make Themselves Taller?
We are perfectly average humans in every single way. But with the power of technology can we BUILD ourselves taller?
55. The Sensory Overload Tank
Seizure warning. What's the opposite of a sensory deprivation tank? A SENSORY OVERLOAD TANK. Ice bath + Eating Garlic + Bath Bombs + Strobe Lights + Air Fresheners + Loud Music + Icy Hot + Megaphone +
56. Recreating Ourselves as a Cursed Mannequin
We won't be around forever - so what better way to immortalize ourselves than recreating ourselves as a cursed mannequin? This certainly won't come back to haunt us.
57. We Took an IQ Test
It's finally time to find out who has big brain and who has smol brain.
58. Ethan Finally Becomes a MAN
Mark teaches Ethan the ways of becoming a man - through hard MANual labor. Little does Ethan know the painful surprise that also comes with growing up.
59. Mark and Ethan Go Casket Shopping
In yet another step towards preparing for the inevitable end, Mark and Ethan go shopping to find the perfect casket.
60. We Take a Lie Detector Test to Uncover Our Darkest Sins
For as long as humans have been able to speak, we've been able to lie. But thanks to modern lie detector technology, we can finally uncover the truth.
61. Learning to Breathe Underwater
Just two dudes in a hot tub.
62. Fixing Mark's Hole with Ramen but Every Time We Add Glue We Get 5% Closer to God
We try to fix the hole Mark punched in the wall with ramen to test the myth of whether it can be used for repairs. Also we don't ventilate properly.
63. Mark Steals Ethan's Face
In an effort to steal his identity, Mark makes a mold of Ethan's face.
64. You Breathe You Die
The rules are simple: You Breathe, You Die.
65. 2 Absolute Beginners Experience the Dancing Glory that is Salsa
Salsa is the ancient art of dance whereby the dancers express thoughts and emotions through the undulations of their hips. We attempt to learn the mysterious ways of this sanctified dance.
66. DIY Geriatric Simulator
What does it feel like to be old? Well now you can find out with our patent-pending geriatric simulator.
67. This Is How We'll Die...
There are so many ways that our mortal souls can perish, but today we find out EVERY possible way that they could drift into the great beyond.
68. We Cryogenically Freeze Ourselves
Long have men dreamed of eternal life. Walt Disney famously froze himself to awaken in a world ruled by The Mouse. Today we embark on that very same, frosty journey.
69. This is What Being Tased Feels Like
A Taser is NOT a toy. Do not try this at home. Mark is a professionally trained idiot with people on standby to help in case something goes wrong. This is what it feels like to be hit with a taser or stun gun.
70. What Happens When A Youtube Channel Dies?
We explore the wasteland of channels past. Gone but not forgotten. Because the internet never forgets.
71. Bad Bad Beans
In search of the energy to fuel a long day of making sweet sweet internet content, Mark and Ethan turn some bad bad beans into good good latte art.
72. We Hired a Real Hypnotherapist to Analyze Our Darkest Dreams
Hypnotherapy is the art of mental suggestion. This isn't the stage entertainment variety of hypnosis. This is real therapy to help people get in touch with what's bothering them deep inside.
73. We Turned Our Bodies Into Art
Art comes in many forms. This time it comes in the form of our bodies.
74. Mark and Ethan Learn About The Human Body
Mark and Ethan learn the inner workings of the wonderful human body
75. Mark Punishes Ethan
Ethan messed up. He messed up real bad - and now he has to pay.
76. Strange (and legal) Things You Can Do With Your Body After Death
Eventually, we'll all have to decide what is to be done with our remains once we pass on. How will you be remembered?
77. DIY Cheese
Mark and Ethan explore the wonderful world of cheese. Will they succeed in becoming world class cheesemongers, or will their dreams curdle before their eyes?
78. Hacking The Very Fabric of the Universe
Using the sacred texts of 5 Minute Crafts, we harness the incredible power of "life hacks" to achieve immortality.
79. Looking at Long Lost Memes
Time never stops marching forward, even for memes. Like a black hole, once memes slip past the point of relevance they fade away into oblivion. Can we can pull them back from the shadows?
80. Discovering the Secret to Eternal Life
While delving into the deepest pits of the Internet, Mark and Ethan discover the secret to everlasting life
81. Turning Mark Into an E-Boy
In an attempt to keep his youth, Mark transform into an E-Boy
82. Ethan Redefines Male Beauty
Ethan, a god of beauty, looked upon the world of male beauty and found it WANTING. Taking matters into his own, meaty claws, and redefines exactly what it means to be beautiful.
83. Professional Fire Cupping (Going Even Further Beyond)
Mark and Ethan turn to a professional to feed their cupping addiction. Fire cupping - facial cupping - acupuncture cupping - where does it end?
84. An Extremely Sour, Not-at-all Sour Meal
Mark and Ethan experiment with miracle berries-the fruit that turns sour things sweet. Is there a limit to what these berries are capable of?
85. Literally Eating Fire
Yes, you read that right. Mark and Ethan learn how to literally eat fire. Don't try this at home.
86. Unregulated Axe Throwing
While being watched over by the Axe Gods themselves, Mark and Ethan compete to see who is truly the axe-throwing champion
87. Literally Laying On Literal Broken Glass
Testing the limits of the human body, Mark and Ethan lay themselves upon a bed of broken glass. So sharp and so deadly that only the BRAVE and the BOLD could survive its teeth.
88. Making an Indoor Tornado to Flex on Mother Nature
Mother Nature thinks that she alone holds the power of the elements in her big meaty claws - well what will she think when we CREATE A TORNADO INDOORS?.
89. Nutball: The Most Dangerous Game
14 years ago, Mark changed the game of Nutball forever by inventing it. And now - Ethan gets to experience the glory that is THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME.
90. Becoming a Master of Mime
To become a master of life and death, one must first become a master of the body. A master of movement. A master of mime.
91. Discussing the Idea of Murdering Each Other but It's Just a Joke and Definitely Not Serious Haha
It's perfectly normal to discuss the possibility of how you would murder your friends with those friends and converse in great detail about how you would get away with said murder. We call this the Murder Your Friend Tag haha.
92. Are We Already Dead?
Mark and Ethan try to answer some of life's most perplexing questions. Are we already dead? How many ways have you padded out the running time of your brother's funeral?
93. Our Perfect (and last) Valentine's Day
Today, Mark and Ethan discover the TRUE meaning of everlasting love.
94. Drunk College Party Simulator
Mark and Ethan go to college to further their educational studies. It's big brain time.
95. 10 Strange Amazon Products Ethan Bought Mark Because He Doesn't Know How to Spend Money Responsibly
Ethan bought Mark some gifts. Mark does not know why. Ethan does not even know what the gifts are. This is a lesson on how not to spend money.
96. Chickens Teach Us About Life and Death
The eternal question: what came first? Life? Or Death? Fiona helps guide us towards The Truth.
97. 3 Big Boys Attempt the King's Royal Fitness Test
The Presidential Fitness test is so 2019 - in 2020 it's time for the KING's ROYAL FITNESS TEST. And we have a special guest to help us out.
98. Being Attacked by a Fully Trained Bodyguard Dog
Dog's are incredibly intelligent creatures that can be trained to guard your life. We learn about this process and experience what it feels like to have a dog attack us up close and personal.
99. Learning the Ancient Art of Chinese Archery
Mark and Ethan hone their mighty skills in archery. Not even death can escape their flying arrows. - or can it?
100. The Ultimate Trolley Problem
Today, Mark and Ethan give their morals the toughest test yet.
101. Goat Yoga
Goat Yoga. Yoga with Goats. The Yoga that you do with Goats. Yoga of the Goat. The Yoga Goat.
102. Edible Slime was a Mistake.
Make the slime. Play with the slime. CONSUME the slime. Last we saw, the boys were unwilling to even touch the slime. Today they must eat it.
103. Granting Access Into Heaven's Sweet Gates
Heaven. Hell. Two places. Two different outcomes. Two sweet boys. Take the quiz. To Find out. Where they belong.
104. Long Hair, Do We Dare?
Beauty. We love it. We live it. We ARE it. Let's make some moves to get that hair longer than life
105. We Wrote a Hit Pop Song in 30 Minutes
Mark and Ethan, joined by musician Leila Pari, craft lyrical genius in record time on the Santa Monica shore.
106. Mark and Ethan Go on a "Drum Date"
Sometimes you have to march to the beat of your own drum. But what happens when your drum matches the beat of your heart?
107. Blowing Our Souls Into Some Hot Glass
Glass blowing is a hot and dangerous art form that involves skill, patience, and a whole heck of a lot of blowing. Are Mark and Ethan up to the task?
108. Top 10 Worst Things Your Friend Could Possibly Spend Their Money On
Ethan is back at it again. His sleigh filled to the brim with horrible, horrible gifts to give his lovely friend Mark.
109. Nutball Extreme: Taser Edition
What happens when you combine the thrill of Nutball with the heart-stopping joy of a Taser? You get NUTBALL EXTREME.
110. REAL Ghost Hunting at an Abandoned Zoo
Feeling lackluster in their ghost hunting abilities, Mark and Ethan enlist the help of an expert to lead them through the Old Griffith Park Zoo at night.
111. We Bought a Camera That Can Look Inside Us
Today we explore the inner workings of our mortal coils with a fun little camera
112. Becoming the World's Greatest DJs
Today we become the worlds most talented and skilled DJs.
113. Who Can Teach Their Dog a Trick the Fastest?
Chica and Spencer go HEAD-2-HEAD in an all out brain-off as we test them to see which of our dogs is the smartest of them all.
114. Middle School Science Experiment Teaches Us About Life and Death
Dissection is common in the science classroom. From worms to frogs to fetal pigs - but most of us started with a simple owl pellet.
115. DIY Chiropractor
There's probably a reason why chiropractors are licensed. But we here at Unus Annus never let little things like licenses or "best practices" or "do no harm" get in the way.
116. Mark and Ethan Get Into a Fight
Mark and Ethan have finally had enough. Its time for them to fight with their ultimate weapons of destruction: their fists.
117. The Barrel
The Barrel finally has her send-off with an epic re-master by the wonderful Gregory Brothers (Schmoyoho).
118. We Got Pepper Sprayed
WARNING: DO NOT TRY THIS. We were pepper sprayed by trained professional in a controlled environment. This is not a joke. This is real and painful but was done to understand the severity.
119. We Give Each Other Tattoos Blindfolded
Henna Tattoos are temporary works of art the represent the temporary nature of life. We cover our eyes and let our souls guide the art.
120. What Does Astrology Say About Our Friendship?
The stars created us. They Define us. And they will end us. Today we check our birth charts to see what's in store for our little bodies
121. Mark and Ethan Get a Full Body Scan to See What Secrets Lay Hidden Within (and learn their body fat)
Life is about understanding one's self. So what better way than to have an enormous machine shoot x-rays through your body to give you a complete overview of your exact body composition.
122. Mark Needs To Rub Ethan and Only His Mom Can Help Him
Mark's mom was a licensed massage therapist at one point in her life. Does her son carry the innate talents to allow Ethan to finally get the Rub-Down he deserves?
123. 2 Idiots Get Crushed by 18-Foot Giant Snakes
We join Jay's Prehistoric Pets to see some amazing reptiles. Lizards, Alligators, and GIANT SNAKES. Will we be eaten alive?
124. Beer Sauna: Turning a Portable Sauna into a Portable Hell
Amy bought us a portable sauna that allows you to enjoy a steamy sauna wherever you'd like. Just add liquid. Unfortunately - the liquid we chose was Beer and Redbull.
125. Mark and Ethan Hunt The World's Most Wanted Criminals
When $10,000,000 is on the line, Mark and Ethan will stop at nothing(?) to find and capture America's Most Wanted Criminals.
126. Unus Annus Carves the Roast Beast
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (with Jim Carrey) is the greatest film ever created. This cannot be disputed.
127. 5 Weird Apps That Predicted Our Death
It's 2020 people. Get with the times. Go into that app store, and find yourself a free app that will predict your future with 100% certainty. The future is now. Much like your death.
128. We Tried a Labor Pain Simulator
Mark and Ethan will never know the TRUE feeling of child labor, but today they attempt to simulate that miracle.
129. Recreating the Miracle of Childbirth
Childbirth is such a beautiful thing. And here at Unus Annus we are experts at taking something beautiful and transforming it into something ever better.
130. Mark and Ethan Are Now Fathers
After 2 days of labor and delivery, Unus and Annus have given birth to 2 beautiful baby boys. Now they get to experience the joy of fatherhood.
131. We Force James Charles to Run a Military Obstacle Course
James Charles joins us as we attempt to run a Military Obstacle Course.
132. Desperately Trying To Not Touch Our Faces
Well, here we are. The first day of Quarantannus. In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Mark and Ethan attempt to touch their faces as little as possible.
133. Reddit 50/50: Two Player Edition
Reddit 50/50 is like a coin toss, where the outcomes are severe mental scarring that will last for the rest of your life - or not that.
134. Going on an Internet Scavenger Hunt
Mark and Ethan scour the worldwide web to find the internet's funniest, cringiest, and most satisfying images.
135. Having an Adventure In VR Chat Because We Can't Go Outside
While we can't go out into the real world, we decided to take an adventure in the virtual world of VRChat.
136. Amazon Shopping for the Apocalypse
What if you had only one bag to grab before sprinting for your life into the woods? Would you be prepared for an apocalypse situation? If not, turn to your lord and savior, AMAZON, for all your survival needs.
137. Whom Would Eat Whomst First in a Zombie Apocalypse?
In every Zombie Apocalypse that I've ever been through, I've had to make some difficult choices. Do Mark or Ethan have the GUTS to get through this?
138. Ultimate YouTuber Boxing Showdown
Recruited from all corners of the internet, Mark and Ethan create their own YouTuber Boxing Teams to try and find out who has the strongest punch.
139. The Deep End of Omegle: Risky Boogaloo
Zoom - Discord - Skype - Google Hangouts - While companies fight for dominance in the explosive video conferencing industry, one website still remains superior as the VERY SAFE and TOTALLY RELIABLE way to communicate with your friends.
140. Where in the World is Unus Annus?
Where has Unus Annus gone? Where have they disappeared to? Have you seen them? Are they already in the house? Is it too late? Are they behind you? With Geoguessr, soon all these questions will be answered - very soon.
141. Mark Builds a Pillow Fort for the Very First Time
Dirt. Dirt is all Mark had for fun as a child, but now that he's a big rich YouTuber, he can finally make his childhood dream a reality.
142. Mark's 1 Weird Talent Leaves Ethan Absolutely Speechless
Mark is the most talented human in the world and took #MarchusAnnus very seriously.
143. Wikifeet: A Tale of 2 Tootsies
Many people heard of the mythical website known as Wikifeet - but few dare to dip their tootsies in the deep end of that particular pool.
144. We Made Every YouTuber Battle in the Hunger Games
Chaos ensues as Unus, Annus, Mark, Ethan and every single other YouTuber battle it out in the YouTuber Hunger Games.
145. We Google Each Other to Find Our Darkest Forgotten Sins
Mark thought he could hide that thing he did 4 years ago - Ethan thought he could forgotten the cringe he committed - But through the power of The Google, we will brings these sins back into the light.
146. We Played Mad Libs And Ran It Through Google Translate
If you've ever played a classic game of Mad Libs, then you know it is often - not very funny. Luckily for us, Mark and Ethan have devised a foolproof plan to create humor where there is none.
147. Mark and Ethan Desperately Try and Name a Single State in the USA
Today we're kicking it all the way back to fourth grade where Mark and Ethan earn the knowledge of our great states and their capitals.
148. Speed Reading 1000+ WPM to Gain a Complete Understanding of All Human Knowledge
Ever wanted to know how to speed read? Do you even know what speed reading is? Well - this is what it means to take Speed Reading EVEN FURTHER BEYOND.
149. What is the Least Viewed Video on YouTube?
Some videos on YouTube have Millions of views. Some have Billions. But what about the Trillions of videos that have - no views at all? Well not we can find those obscure lost videos through INCOGNITUBE.
150. We Found Websites That The World Forgot About
On the internet, nothing can truly ever be gone - only forgotten.
151. The Scariest True Stories on the Internet
Some things are just too scary, too creepy, too unsettling to be made up. These are some true stories of absolutely terrifying experiences.
152. How to NOT be the Perfect Boyfriend
TW: Please be aware that in this video we discuss abuse and unhealthy relationship dynamics.
153. Mark and Ethan Find The Lost City of El Dorado
Hundreds of brave treasure hunters have attempted to find it, but none have succeeded - until now.
154. Mark and Ethan Bet Everything on a Wikipedia Race
A Wikipedia Race (aka Wiki Races) is the ultimate test of skill that 2 individuals could possible have. But with this race - the stakes are almost too high to endure.
155. The Creepiest Videos on Youtube
Sometimes creepiness transcends mere words or images - sometimes only grainy footage from the 1990's can truly express the definition of fear.
156. Help Us Break a YouTube World Record
In an attempt to beat the world record for the fastest YouTube channel to gain 1 million subscribers in a single day, Mark and Ethan ask their audience to subscribe and spread the word of their newly created account, Norbert Moses.
157. 2 Men 200 Accents
Close your eyes - how are you still reading this? It doesn't matter. Let your ears take you on a journey around the globe as we showcase our incredible talent for accents.
158. The Illuminati... Do They Really Exist?
We dive deep into the realms of Google and Wikipedia to discover the truth behind the curtain of the Illuminati. Are they real? Do they really control the world? Are they watching you right now?
159. Finding The Lost City of Atlantis
Mermaids. Piles of Gold. Talking Fish. All this and more lie before us in the great city of Atlantis - and today we find it.
160. Reading YOUR Scariest True Stories
You thought you were safe. Scary stories on the internet are just stories - right? Your fellow comments have something to say about that.
161. Mark and Ethan Take a Personality Test
What type of human being is the joint creature known as Unus Annus? What characteristics would this amalgamation of horror entail? Only one way to find out.
162. Will AI Soon Take Over Humanity As We Know It?
Robots. Androids. AI. It's not all that far away - and neither is the revolution of said robots - and the end of humanity. - oh well.
163. Running Internet Drama through Google Translate
There are many universal languages. Love. Music. Art. ...Tea? Using the most advanced computational technologies, Mark and Ethan determine if internet drama transcends the limitations of the written word.
164. The Secret Unus Annus No-Touchy-Touchy Hand Shake
Only the elite of the elite can even SURVIVE ATTEMPTING this incredible secret Unus Annus Handshake.
165. Two Male Men Judge Female Women on Their Beauty
We did it with men, so its only fair we do it with women too: Let's find out what TRUE beauty is.
166. Bored? Press This Button.
Mark and Ethan try to solve their boredom by clicking the button.
167. Don't Go in the Ocean... Ever.
The Ocean is a terrible place full of deadly creatures that will eat you without a moment's notice. You should never go there under any circumstances. It's an evil place. Full of evil creatures like SCP-3000 and the Loch Ness Monster.
168. We Explore the Most MYSTERIOUS Mysteries of our Wildy Mysterious Mystery Moon of Mysteries
what mysteries does our mysterious moon hold? does it hold mysteries that our mysterious minds could not even comprehend? Well - here we are to find out.
169. We Looked at Unus Annus Memes
Did you know Unus Annus has its own subreddit? We kinda forgot.
170. Is Mark a Masochist?
Unus Annus have explored countless mysteries. They've discovered El Dorado, Atlantis, and even revealed the horrors of their very own oceans. But no mystery is NEARLY as mysterious as Mark's private life. Watch as they explore it.
171. What the Hell is a Pink Trombone?
You have a pink trombone lurking inside of you - it's desperate to get out. And if you listen close enough - it'll speak to you.
172. Professional Fetish Scientists Rank the Best/Worst Fetishes of 2020
The world is full of fetishes. From the mainstream to the obscure, there's something for everybody out there. But what's the most obscure one we can find?
173. Mark and Ethan Desperately Attempt to Feel Something
Mark and Ethan scour the internet to try and find videos that make them FEEL something before their hearts stop
174. An A.I. Generates Our Worst Nightmare
We dream of a future where A.I. will help humanity flourish. This is not one of those times.
175. Are Reptilian Humanoids Living Among us?
They could be anywhere - lurking - waiting - hunting
176. Like It or Not... This is What The New Human Looks Like
Humanity is still evolving - still changing - "MUTANTS" as some know them to be. Humans with real life super powers. Surely fiction, right? But could they living among us today...?
177. Eating Only Onions for 24 Hours: How Many Onions Does it Take to Kill a Man?
In this video Mark and Ethan discover the true versatility of the mythical Onion and if there is such a thing as too much Onion.
178. Unus Annus ASMR
Unus AnnuSMR. You wanted this. You asked for this. You deserve this. Turn out the lights, turn up the volume, and get ready to relax. You deserve this.
179. We Attempted to Create THICC Water
Mark and Ethan attempt to create thick water.
180. Making Our Own Gravestones to Prepare For Our Inevitable Demise
We're all going to have a gravestone someday, so why not create ours preemptively and really make it our own?
181. How Tall Can A Human Get?: An Impartial Review by 2 Average Height Men
Two men of extremely adequate height discuss the upper limits of humanity's height potential.
182. Mark Teaches Ethan Korean
Korean is a beautiful language that Mark is currently learning. However he doesn't really know it that well. But that doesn't stop him from attempting to beam Korean directly into Ethan's brain.
183. Bigfoot is Real and It Ate My Friend
Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Another keyword. He goes by many names. But once you see the irrefutable evidence - you will only call him - friend.
184. The End of Unus Annus is Almost Here...
6 months has already flown by. Only 6 months left to go on our little adventure. Have you forgotten that this is coming to an end? Have you forgotten that this train will reach its destination? It's only a matter of time, now.
185. We Explore the Unus Annus Subreddit for Your Delicious Memes
Once again, we look at all the wonderful, funny, and downright disturbing memes you fine folks have posted on the Unus Annus Subreddit.
186. How Big Can a Nuke Get?
Every wanted answers to the fun, interesting questions that keep you awake at night? Well today's your lucky day.
187. How Much Caffeine Does It Take to Kill a Man?
In this video, Mark and Ethan explore the fine line betwixt god-like omnipotence and an untimely demise. Lo doth the tale of Icarus cometh whence to mine mind?
188. Drinking Real THICC Water... How Bad Does It Taste?
This water is THICC. Think of the THICC'est thing you can think of. Thicker than THICC. That's this water. It's THICC water. And Ethan and Mark drink it.
189. We Played Strip Poker
It's a risky game as old as time itself: Strip Poker. One Winner. One Loser. No clothes, all attitude. This summer, two mighty heroes take on their biggest challenge yet. Who will win? Who will die?
190. Harnessing Our Yodeling Power to End The World As We Know It
You hear that? Off in the distance? That, my friends, is the sound of two gods screaming into the ether. It is the first sound in the morning and the last sound at night. It is the call to end all calls. It is - THE YODEL.
191. Mark Cooks Blindfolded While Ethan Guides Him Through FaceTime
Umm - you probably shouldn't attempt to do this at home. In fact don't. Definitely do not do the this that we are doing. Definitely do not do. Don't.
192. We Play the Newlywed Game While Consuming That Which Will Kill the Other
Mark and Ethan test how well they really know each other with the classic 1960's sensation known as the Newlywed Game. Also they consume each other's poisons.
193. DIY Boob
The Boys Make a Boob - Quarantine will make anyone desperate.
194. We Have the Best Bellies on Youtube
Our bellies are the best bellies. Anyone who disagrees is WRONG with the FACT and will have their heads squooshed betwixt our glorious tummies. Also we learn to belly dance.
195. The Unus Annus Confessional Booth
We called upon you: our lovely followers to confess your deepest, darkest secrets to us - and what we found was more shocking than any mere mortal can bare.
Some secrets should stay buried.
197. Only UNUS-es May Watch This Video
If you are an UNUS - you are welcome here. If you are an ANNUS - begone. You shall not befoul this sacred ground with your musk.
198. Only ANNUS-es May Watch This Video
If you are an ANNUS - you already know that you're welcome here. Those are an unworthy - I shall not even speak thy name - BEGONE, CRETIN.
199. Only Watch from 2:15 to 6:11 - Do Not Watch Any Other Part of This Video
Annus has officially been declared the WINNER. Please skip to 2:15 to view Annus's glorious appreciation segment and cease watching at exactly 6:11. DO NOT WATCH ANY OTHER PART OF THE VIDEO. DO NOT.
200. DIY Wine
Mark and Ethan create their own wine from scratch.
201. Tearing a Phone Book in Half with Our Huge Manly Muscles
One half Unus, the other half Annus. Two halves of one whole. One soul. One Phone book now torn in half. We have big big muscles, we know.
202. 2 Complete Amateurs Enter a Body Building Competition
Welcome to the First Annual Unus Annus Body Building Competition Extravaganza. Who will wear the crown of best bod?
Black Lives Matter. Let's work together as a community to make a real difference.
204. Crushing Watermelons Betwixt Our Mighty Thighs
We return once again to showcase our feats of incredible strength. Gaze upon our mammoth hams as we quash these juicy gourds.
205. Morphing Our Bodies Into Superhero Poses
You hear that? That call in the night? The call for help? The call for justice? The call for a hero? WE will answer that call.
206. Reacting to Your Hilarious Green Screen Memes
As you know, the first annual Unus Annus Green Screen Competition took place just last week and now it's time to review the winners.
207. Mark Teaches Ethan to Read with Hooked on Phonics
Ethan's dream has always been to learn the mysteries of the written word. With Mark's BIG BRAIN, he might just make a breakthrough.
208. Ethan Roasts Mark for 15 Minutes Straight
Mark is a bad bad man who needs to be exposed for his sins. Ethan is just the right big bold boy to roast Mark to a crisp.
209. There's Something Horribly Wrong with This Picture...
Don't look to closely at these pictures. If you can see them - they can see you too. And then they'll know exactly where to find you.
210. Attempting to Build IKEA Furniture Without Instructions
Carpentry may have proven too difficult for Ethan to master. Perhaps assembling IKEA furniture is more his speed. Too bad he lost the instructions.
211. Mark and Ethan Become United States Citizens
ah, America. Land of the free(?) Home of the brave(?) Do Mark and Ethan have what it takes to be top tier US citizens?
212. We Made Fanart for Each Other
Fanart is the purest expression of appreciation. It is love distilled. It is light purified. Today, Mark and Ethan express their undying appreciation for each other through the delightful medium of fanart.
213. Our Fans Try to Scare Us with Their Homemade Creepypasta
We tried our best at haunting the internet. But we should have known that we were no match for the demonic artistic ability of our own fans.
214. Recreating Childhood Photos
Although we may never be able to travel back to our childhoods, that won't stop us from recreating some of our favorite photos from that innocent time.
215. Will We Break the Boards... Or Will They Break Us?
Breaking boards of wood is the foundation upon which all forms of Martial Arts are based on. Karate - Tae Kwon Do...Kung Fu - We attempt to master every single discipline in one fell CHOP.
216. Finding the Most Cursed Image on the Internet
BEWARE ALL WHO ATTEMPT TO WATCH THIS VIDEO. It's a curse or be cursed world in here. Actually though, this video is gross and horrible and upsetting.
217. Learning to Cry on Command to Increase Our YouTube Views
None have been able to capture sadness as good as a crying YouTuber. Today, we harness that power to increase our views tenfold.
218. Pee Sauna
Pee Sauna. You weren't ready. We weren't ready. And yet it comes for us all the same.
219. Building IKEA's Hardest Piece of Furniture Without Instructions is Impossible
Ikea is known for easy-to-follow instructions for simple pieces of furniture that we are gladly able to hah just kidding this is impossible.
220. Becoming One With the Horse
Long have we yearned to gallop the great fields with our mighty hooves. The slurp from grand rivers with our mighty slurpers. Well today - our dreams shall no longer remain dreams.
221. The Ultimate Paper Airplane Showdown
Today we hone an ancient craft passed down from generation to generation: The Art of the Paper Airplane
222. Creating Mark FISHbach
Today, Mark will be putting the "fish" in Fischbach.
223. Learning How to Lock Pick (FBI Please Don't Watch)
There is nothing illegal about learning how to lock pick. It is a perfectly normal activity to train oneself to do. Please do not assume we will do anything nefarious with these skills.
224. The Most Dangerous Shave
Today we shave the old fashioned way.
225. Ethan Traps Mark's Soul in the Palm of his Hand
The palms are the back porches of the soul. We all know this. We all accept this. But when Mark's ego gets in the way of this undeniable truth - disaster strikes.
226. Bear Trapping 101: An Elegant Knot For An Elegant Beast
Ropes have a million and one uses. It just so happens that that extra one use is BEAR TRAPPING. Definitely bear trapping.
227. 2 Men In a Trench Coat Teach You How to Save Money at the Movies
Mark and Ethan teach you the crucial steps in sneaking into a movie theater with the old fashioned trench coat trick
228. Building the World's First IKEA Boat
After two perfect IKEA builds, the boys return to see if they can take their knowledge of ancient Swedish craftsmanship even further beyond - by building a boat.
229. Ethan Teaches Mark How to Swim
Mark has the densest bones known to man. Can Mark overcome this obstacle with Ethan's legendary teaching and or swimming ability?
230. 10 Miracle Products to Give YOU the Thiccest Jaw on Planet Earth
The Jaw: the front porch of the face. It's the first thing you notice when you see a person, and the last thing you think about before you go to sleep at night.
231. 2 Dirty Boys Wash Their Filthy Mouths Out With Soap
We've been naughty naughty boys who've used one too many no-no words - and now it's time to face the soapy consequences. Let's see which soap best washes away our sins.
232. Mark is Guilty. Ethan Has the Proof.
The proof is in the pudding. And Mark's belly is jiggling like a bowl full of it.
233. Recreating Mark's Childhood
Mark has told many stories of his childhood, and today we recreate them all.
234. We Put an Apple Watch in a Rock Tumbler
Anything can be tumbled if you try hard enough.
235. Dummy THICC for Dummies - A Tale of 2 Butts - Pushing Our Butts Even Further Beyond
Between 2 Cheeks - The Eternal Quest for THICC - Indiana Bones and the Temple of THICC - How to Train Your Donk - More Trunk than an Elephant - Viva la Butt - Harder, Better, Faster, THICCer
236. Reverse Engineering a Kite to Steal the Idea of Electricity From Benjamin Franklin
Back in 18012, Benjamin Franklin created the single greatest invention of all time: Electricity. Today, we figure out his secrets and steal his best idea from him.
237. The Candy Bra Challenge
Move aside ghost peppers. Get lost cinnamon. It's time for the candy bra to take center stage as the new YouTube sensation that's sweeping the nation.
238. Mark and Ethan Look at a Puppy for 10 Minutes
Look, life's tough out there. If you are presented with an opportunity to look at a puppy, you would be a fool not to.
239. Unus Annus Try Pole Dancing
Today, we conquer a challenge that has been nipping at our heels since the day we began this journey: Pole Dancing
240. This Is Hiding On Your Body RIGHT NOW.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and we are currently in Hell.
241. Tasting Weird Food Combos: Pickles and Chocolate? Ice Cream and Soy Sauce?
We are a channel divided. Is pineapple on pizza a tasty treat that can't beat? We look forward to your vigorous debate in the comments.
242. The Unus Annus Space Program
Space: The Final Frontier. Today, Mark and Ethan accomplish their wildest dreams of going deep into space
243. The Egg Smashing Game
Here's a simple little game that you can play with your friends. All you'll need are some possibly rotten eggs and a pair of smackers.
244. Can You Bake a Cookie from Cookie Dough Ice Cream?
Fools. We've been fools all along. Why would we make cookie dough ourselves when we have an unlimited supply in the ice cream around us!?
245. Bleachus Annus
Arts and crafts are definitely a strong-suit of Mark and Ethan's. Today they explore the world of bleaching their clothes
246. Dunking Oreos In Literally Anything But Milk
You've simply assumed it to be true. "Milk's Favorite Cookie," huh? Are you really going to keep believing the LIES being fed to you by BIG MILK??? We're here to find out the TRUTH.
247. Preparing a 5-Star Meal for Our Youtube Famous Dogs
Our dogs ARE the best. Therefore they DESERVE the best. Chica is not spoiled. Henry is not spoiled. Spencer is not spoiled. We are not accepting questions at this time.
248. DIY Teeth
Someday soon, we'll get old. Our bodies will start to crumble, our teeth will rot out. Today, we prepare for that day.
249. How to Escape from a Hostage Situation
How many times have you found yourself tied to a chair in a dimly-lit basement? TOO MANY. Let us help you out of that sticky situation.
250. Does This Magnetic Skincare Routine Really Work?
The secret to eternal youth? Lotions? Balms? Cream? No you absolute buffoon. Magnets.
251. Diy Bed of Nails : Oh God, Please Don't Ever Try This
Please - this is a joke. Don't ever ever ever ever do this ever.
252. The Human Mop
Man versus Machine. Overcoming the inevitable robot takeover will one day be humanity's greatest challenge. But what if man and machine come together to form a being that is even greater than the sum of its parts?
253. Can Sound Therapy Heal All Wounds?
Sound Therapy is the art of tapping into the acoustics of the universe to coax the human body to heal itself. Basically we're yelling into our wounds.
254. This Is The Most Dangerous Children's Toy Ever Made
What was once an innocent childs toy, is now revealed to be a dangerous chemical weapon
255. Would Chica Save Us From Drowning?
Chica is a good girl. But is she the right girl for the job? Is she capable of saving her father's life and becoming Markiplier's Hero?
256. We Do It Better Than Icarus Ever Could
Icarus was a brash fool who couldn't invent wings to save his life - AND HE DIDN'T. BECAUSE HE BURNT UP. AND IS NOW NOT ALIVE.
257. The Beginning of The End
We will not go gentle into that good night.
258. The Annual Unus Annus Dunk Contest
Every year for one year only, Mark and Ethan go head-to-head to see who can shoot the biggest hoop.
259. Ultimate Horseshoes
Welcome to the wild, wild west. Where the air is dry, the men are manly, and the horses wear shoes, apparently.
260. A Serious Conversation Under the Stars
There's always time to appreciate the stars.
261. Recharging Our Phones Using Only Brute Strength
Unus Annus is our name, and cranking it is our game
262. 5 Products to Grow Your Patchy Beard
In their unending search for perfection, Mark and Ethan attempt to fix what may be their one and only flaw: their mediocre facial hair.
263. Mark Teaches Ethan How to Play the Trumpet
Mark attempts to teach Ethan how to properly play the trumpet, with little to no success.
264. Playing Cards: The World's Deadliest Weapon
Playing cards: to some, a fun family game. To others: the deadliest weapon known to man.
265. We Lubed Our Floor for a Sliding Competition
Lube? Check. Socks? Check. Safety? Overrated. Let's get our slide on.
266. Breaking Glass With Our Screams
No mere mortals are more qualified to shatter glass than two men who have spent years honing the craft of screaming at video games.
267. This Is Goodbye
Only 100 days left. Will you make the most of it?
268. Mark and Ethan Share a Drink
For the first time ever, Mark and Ethan share a drink. A very special drink.
269. The Wubble
Bloonies are the worst children's toy ever invented. Can the mysterious Wubble make up for it's shortcomings? Unus Annus Toy Reviews is here to give you the exclusive scoop.
270. Mark and Ethan Shave Chica
Coming at you hot and fresh with another wholesome dog video. This time Mark and Ethan steal Chica's one and only possession in this world - her fur.
No. Just no. Do not ever do this. We are certified idiots that have no credentials at all. Do not follow in the footsteps of our stupidity.
272. Judging Your Terrible Unus Annus Ideas
You think you've got what it takes to make an Unus Annus video huh? Pfft. You WISH you had the creative genius to come up with ideas as unique as "10 Strange Products We Bought Off Amazon."
273. Hydro Dipping A Baby
Hydro Dipping is the ancient art of submerging an infant in water and noxious paint fumes, symbolizing purification and rebirth.
274. Popping Popcorn with a High-Powered Laser
You ask? We deliver. We here at the Unus Annus Research Lab are committed to giving you RESULTS, scientific method be damned.
275. Puberty Simulator
Poor, poor Ethan. Over two decades on this planet and he still hasn't hit puberty yet. Don't worry though, Mark is here to speed along the process. What else are friends for?
276. Grip Strength Test: Loser Becomes the Winner's Butler for a Day
What can THESE HANDS do? How much power do they hold? Well - today we find out exactly how much these meaty claws can handle.
277. Momiplier Teaches Self-Defense
Mark's mom is a master of self-defense. She will whip these two spineless babies into weapons of mass misdirection.
278. Transforming Mark into the 8th Wonder of the World
The Pyramids - the Colosseum - the Great Wall - and now, the Mark.
279. Playing Children's Games in Total Darkness
Today we take childhood games to the next level. We add in an element of danger. We on X-Games mode. Today we play these games in complete darkness.
280. We're Better Than Dogs
Dogs think that they're so cool with their big teeth and mighty chompers. Well we have big chompers too. HUGE chompers. The BEST chompers.
281. The Koala Challenge: TikTok's Intimate Couple's Trend
TikTok has brought us another challenge to CRUSH. All it requires is for one of us to climb the body of the other as if we were conquering Mount Everest.
282. 1 Gallon of Jello Nearly Broke Us
This is NOT pudding - this is Jello - this is ONE GALLON of Jello.
283. Too Many Pickles
Mark and Ethan hit the open road with nothing in sight but pickles and bears.
284. Pitching a Tent in the Woods But There's a Bear 15 Feet Away
Rule #1. Always Remember the Buddy System. Mark and Ethan teach you how to pitch a tent when buddy can't see and the other buddy can't hear. Also there's a bear.
285. How to Rescue a Cat from a Tree
We here at Camp Unus Annus will show you how to rescue a cat from a tree with our handy dandy Fuzzy Wubble Cat.
286. A Bear Attacked Us in the Middle of the Night
A quiet, restful night here at Camp Unus Annus.
287. How to Safely Bury Your Friend
When out in the woods, a lot can go wrong. In the case something does, you need to know how to bury your buddy quickly and efficiently enough so they won't get eaten by bears (again)
288. Team Building for 2: Trust Fall, Tug-of-War, and More!
Want to know how to be closer with your team and/or buddy? Let your Camp Unus Annus Counselors, Mark and Ethan, show you how it's done with all of these fun and safe activities.
289. How to Start a Fire (except don't...)
Ever wanted to know how to make a fire with your BARE HANDS!? Well you might want to purge those thoughts - there's a fire hazard out there.
290. Mark's Outdoor Escape Room
Ethan thought it would be an ordinary night at Camp Unus Annus. But Mark had other plans - He prepared the Ultimate Outdoor Escape Room.
291. Hunting HeeHoo
Scarier than Bigfoot. More terrifying than the Yeti. The most dangerous creature is man and he's out for revenge.
292. Was 2020 a Bad Year for Unus Annus?
Tune in for some real talk about this channel and the year it just so happened to exist in. It's all the tea and hot gossip you've been itching for. Also we skip rocks. Or try to.
293. Mark Gives Ethan a HOT (stone) Massage
What's the best way to massage your weak, mortal coil? Why, with hot stones, of course.
294. We Smell Every Smell
Do you smell that? That smell. A kind of smelly smell. The smelly smell that smells. - smelly.
295. How Many Slaps Does It Take to Cook a Chicken?
Physics is pretty straightforward on this one. Energy in = Chicken out. Conservation of mass or something like that - either way we're eating good tonight.
296. 2 Boys 2 Poops
We truly are living in the future. Technology has advanced to the point where we can mail our poop to be analyzed by professionals. Wonderful times.
297. Mark Teaches Ethan How to March in a Marching Band
What does it truly mean to be in a marching band? Today, Ethan will find out.
298. We Finally Drank Our DIY Wine
After a lifetime of waiting, the time has finally come to taste our homemade brew.
299. 2 Adults Take a 4th Grade Math Test
Ethan is not very good at math. To prove just how not-good he is we decided to take a 4th Grade Times Tables Math test.
300. Making Snow Cones With Literally Anything But Normal Flavors
After improving milk's favorite cookie, the boys are back in search of perfection with their favorite summertime treat.
301. We Attempt Pottery Without Amy's Help
Scared Potters? You should be. This is an affront to all pottery aficionados out there.
302. Can Plants Feel Pain?
Plants. We don't understand them and they don't understand us. But could there be a middle ground in the realm of pain? With our superior lie detector technology, we will not be stopped from discovering the truth.
303. How Far Can We Chuck a 16lbs Rock?
The Shot Put is the Rolls Royce of Track and Field events. It's the one that everyone screams for. You love it. We love it. Let's Put some Shots.
304. We Pierced Each Other's Ears
It's 2020. Why not get bored and pierce our ears???
305. We Ate Dog Treats So You Don't Have To
Dog treats - how bad could they possibly be?
306. We Accidentally Made an SCP While Amy Was Away
Amy isn't here right now so we came up with the very good idea to RECREATE Amy. But we might have maybe accidentally made SCP-11325 instead.
LET IT RIP - into your friend's nutsack.
308. Making the Ultimate Unus Annus Burger
McDonalds - Travis Scott - STEP ASIDE, TRASH. It's time for Unus Annus to take center stage in the world of BURG.
309. Making Soda With Literally Anything But Soda
Oreos - Snow Cones - and now - Soda. We work tirelessly to bring you cutting edge research in the field of absolutely disgusting flavor combinations that no one thought would taste good in the first place.
310. Pee Soda
This will be the final time we do ANYTHING pee related on Unus Annus - this is Pee Soda.
311. Learning to Use The Force
You ever wanted to blow something up with your mind? Yeah - us too.
312. Brick Soccer
We play soccer with a brick. Shall we say - don't try this at home?
313. We Attempt to Make Holy Water
We Attempt to make Holy Water, DIY style. Will we burst into flames? Will blessings rain down upon us? Will we make the perfect flavor? Find out next time on Unus Annus Z.
314. Amy Sent Us a Mystery Box
What horrors lurk within this secret present that Amy sent to us? Will it kill us? Will it aid us? Are we even capable of understanding its true glory?
315. Mark Knows What Ethan Did...
The grip was loose - Ethan thought that he could get away with it but I see the truth - The grip was loose.
316. This Video Will Never Make Sense
A unique behind-the-scenes look into The Unus Annus Creative Process. Look deep into the depths of our minds and despair.
317. We Attempt to Make UNHOLY Water
Can't have the light without the dark, right? Today, to counteract the blessings of our holy water, we create UNHOLY Water
318. We Will Churn Thy Butter
Ah butter - the chicken of the bread. Peasant's Gold. The froth from which deliciousness pours. We discover the long forgotten mythical process by which that golden goodness is churned.
319. Ethan Teaches Mark Gymnastics
It's finally time for Backflip Guy to teach Mark how to do a back flip. And other handy dandy gymnastics tips and tricks.
320. The Great Ice Cream Cake Race
Two boys. Two Cakes. One winner. Loser walks the plank.
321. Mark Teaches Ethan to Wrestle
Two sweaty men step inside the ring. Only one may leave. Probably the guy who's wrestled before.
322. Ethan Watches as Mark Achieves the Impossible
Ethan brought Mark a challenge. And Mark literally cannot back down from a challenge.
323. Consuming the World's Hottest Chip
Today we attempt the One Chip Challenge.
324. This Video Went Completely Out of Control
Totally Normal Egg Toss (GONE WRONG!) (GONE KNIFE!)
325. The 1000 High Five Challenge
The real test of friendship are the bruises we make along the way. Mark and Ethan attempt a perilous journey: 1000 High fives.
326. Bobbing For Apples But the Water Keeps Getting Thiccer
It's fall, baby. Time to get into the season by doing an old classic: Bobbing for apples
327. Mark Breaks His Nose On An Aerial Hoop
Don't let Mark's inevitable Unus Annus injury overshadow the grace and poise on display here today - by Vixen Deville that is. The same can not be said for Mark and Ethan's flailing.
328. Mark and Ethan Milk a Goat
Two city boys get sent away to the farm.
329. Shooting Archery ON A HORSE
Today we learn to channel our inner Orlando Bloom while mounted on a beautiful steed.
330. DIY Minesweeper
Break out the metal detector, because once again Mark has cooked up a new excuse to pummel Ethan with a dodge ball.
331. Literally Finding a Needle in a Haystack
Legends speak of the difficulty of finding the mythical needle in the haystack. Today, we put that legend to the test with not one - but TWO NEEDLES.
332. Drawing on Each Other's Backs in Total Darkness
You can't think your art is bad if you can never see it in the first place.
333. This is For FUN and NOT a Fetish
Why can't two bros just succ each other with a vacuum???
334. Mark Conquers His Fear of Night Swimming
Today, Mark conquers his fear of the deep, dark ocean. The fear of the unknown. The fear - of what lurks below.
335. The Painful World of Aerial Silks
We stretch. We move. We dance. We fly. We silk like no one else before.
336. We Bought Every Grinch Costume on Ebay
We will never get another Christmas. Luckily, Ebay is here to help us forget the inevitable end through the power of the Grinch.
337. Pumpkin Taste Tier List
The spirit of Halloween. How does it taste? How is the texture? How are the juices? Today, we rank them from least - most Halloweeny.
338. Learn to Jump Higher in 16 Minutes and 16 Seconds
We've lost them. NASA last sighted them leaving the orbit of Jupiter. At their current trajectory they will exit the solar system in approximately 29 days.
339. Bobbing For Literally Anything But Apples
This is what it means to go even further beyond the limitations of bobbing for apples. This is the kind of bobbing our forefather's could only DREAM of.
340. This Video is Completely Unedited
Editors - HAH. Who needs em? This video is completely unedited from start to finish. Even the thumbnail. All of our mistakes, gaffes, and and even our foibles are included as we wax our noses with reckless abandon.
341. Momiplier Tells Us True Scary Stories from Korea
Mark asked his mom to tell us if she knew any Korean scary stories. We had NO IDEA what she had in store for us - and just how TRUE and REAL they are.
342. Pumpkin Spice "Challenge"
Mark and Ethan consume raw pumpkin spice.
343. Mark and Ethan Build a Scarecrow
Created in man's image - nothing can be scarier than the reflection of ourselves.
344. Pressure Washing Our Sins Away
We've done a lot of things this year - it's time to cleanse ourselves
345. We Force Mark to Swim in the Ocean (HIS GREATEST FEAR)
Thalassophobia is the fear of the ocean. Which Mark has. So, naturally, we force him to face his fear by throwing him into the deepest end of all.
346. Fighting Fish to the Death in the Deep Blue Sea
Deep Sea Fishing is a relaxing adventure that really let's you get in touch with the ocean and the denizens therein. Let's beat 'em up.
347. Cryptid Olympics
Slenderman - The Rake - Jeff the Killer - Famous cryptids all, and with intense training and practice, we too can become the creepiest cryptids of all.
348. Phasmophobia in Real Life
We've learned much about ghost hunting throughout this year and now it's time for the final test. We bought the best (cheapest) equipment Amazon could provide and are ready to dive head first into the most haunted house in Los Angeles.
349. Edward Pumpkin Hands
Disclaimer: Pumpkins were harmed in the making of this video.
350. Blood Bath
What horrors await us in this wretched tub?
351. The Unus Annus Annual Costume Contest
We didn't know that "sexy skeleton" was a thing - thanks for burning that into our brains Ethan. Welcome to the Unus Annus Annual Costume Contest.
352. Ethan Turns Mark into a Werewolf
The curse of the werewolf has struck Mark in full force, but he's too shy to transform on his own. So Ethan (and Chica) give him a helping paw.
353. Ethan Kidnapped Mark
Mark tortured Ethan in his outdoor escape room many moon ago. Now it's time for Ethan to return the favor with the scariest escape room of all.
354. The Truth of Unus Annus
One year. That was the deal.
355. Accepting the Truth
Coming to terms with death and accepting it is all part of life. It's almost beautiful in a way. Did you make the most of this year? The End of Unus Annus - Friday, November 13th starting at 12pm Pacific.
356. The Unus Annus Last Supper
If you could choose your last meal on earth, you probably wouldn't choose this.
357. Being Brutally Honest with Each Other
A year is a long time to get to know someone. It's also just enough time to be annoyed by them. We tell each other what we honestly think.
358. Recreating Every Single Unus Annus Video
Turns out we made a lot of videos this year, and if you're just joining us now, you may not have the time to watch every one. So, to help you out, we took the time and sanity required to recreate EVERY. SINGLE. VIDEO.
359. All Our Video Ideas That Never Happened
One year is a lot of videos. We finally spill the beans on the videos that never were.
360. Who's Cutting Onions In Here???
Only REAL men cry. And today we cry a lot.
361. The 1st Annual Unus Annus Roast
Everyone's all boo-hoo about Unus Annus coming to an end, but have people really forgotten how terrible we actual are? It's time for a roast.
362. God's Fitness Test
It's all come down to this - our final fitness challenge.
363. Saying Goodbye to All Our Guests
We've had the pleasure of meeting so many unique and talented people over our one year. We call as many of them as we can, and say goodbye before the end.
364. Everything's Legal If You're Dead
Mark and Ethan start one of the last day of their lives off right with a healthy wholesome breakfast. And a whole bunch of crime.
365. 7 Minutes in Heaven 7 Minutes in Hell
What awaits for us in the great beyond?
366. The Unus Annus Annual Sleepover
Tomorrow's the big day. Just one more sleepy before we say goodbye.
367. Goodbye.
This is it. Unus Annus deletes the channel live on stream.