Season 2 Episodes
1. A World Without... Fire
April 6th, 20201 min
Imagine a world without FIRE!
2. A World Without... Money
April 20th, 20201 min
Cash, banks, wallets, coins, bills, crypto, dollars, euros...stop! Just imagine the world without money
3. A World Without... Number 2
May 4th, 20201 min
Prepare yourself for the insane world without... NUMBER 2
4. A World Without... Paper
May 16th, 20201 min
In this new episode explore a world without... Paper. One of the oldest and more important
5. A World Without... Children
June 5th, 20201 min
Imagine our world without CHILDREN. How would it be?
6. A World Without... Rulers
June 20th, 20201 min
Rulers and measures are quite important for our world... what if they didn't exist?
7. A World Without... Bottles
July 4th, 20201 min
Imagine a world without BOTTLES
8. A World Without... Gravity
July 19th, 20201 min
Probably one of the most important things in earth: GRAVITY!
9. A World Without... Problems
July 20th, 20201 min
Is this a perfect world?