Um, Actually: The Web Series

Um, Actually: The Web Series Season 1

TV Show

Season 1 Episodes

1. Firefly, Star Wars Jizz Bands, Daenerys Targaryen’s Dragons

January 17th, 20154 min

The “jizz” part is not incorrect.

2. Return of the Jedi, Hodor, Quidditch

March 5th, 20156 min

For people who know more about Pokemon than they do about real animals alive on the planet.

3. Fellowship of the Ring, Mortal Kombat, Bowser’s Children

April 21st, 20157 min

The secret underneath Gandalf’s robe.

4. Watto’s Beard, D&D, Deathly Hallows

June 11th, 201710 min

What’s the one thing nerds like more than Pokemon, LOTR, and Star Wars combined? Correcting people.

5. Slytherin, Star Wars, Scarecrow

December 11th, 201710 min

That scarecrow’s packing heat.

6. Monsters, Moogles, and Side Mirrors

June 28th, 201812 min

Aslan takes a hard line on lipstick.

7. House Crests, House Crushings, and the Kongs

July 28th, 201810 min

The Kongs have a lot to discuss in family therapy.

8. Make-Up, Maps, and Mythical Dragons

August 30th, 201812 min

Xanth Man Starts Brawl in Waffle House.

9. Star Trek, Schwarzenegger, and Stoker

September 15th, 201812 min

Seriously though, that one Digimon looks straight out of Itchy & Scratchy.