Specials Episodes
1. Sulle tracce degli Etruschi
A special recorded on the occasion of the exhibition at Palazzo Grassi in Venice dedicated to one of the most fascinating and mysterious civilizations of the past. An evening to explore the way of living, working and creating of this extraordinary people, thanks also to reconstructions of scenes of daily life specially created with actors: clothes, cuisine, jewellery, beauty care and banquets; a series of services also allows us to delve into many aspects of the life of this people who dominated much of central Italy for almost half a millennium: the techniques for melting iron, the surprising granulation of gold, navigation, the cruelty of certain rites.
2. Leonardo, il volto nascosto. Cronaca di un'indagine
Piero Angela will tell us about a discovery he personally made of an authentic drawing by Leonardo in sanguine, never seen before. During the episode the presenter will try to understand who that man drawn with light eyes, long hair, a chin adorned with a light beard and a thoughtful look is, which is hidden between the words of the tenth page of his Flight Code of birds and will reconstruct the ways in which he came to see what no one else before him had seen.
3. Il mondo dei Bronzi di Riace
The Riace Bronzes in a special episode of Ulisse, il piacere della scoperta. With images shot exclusively by the RAI crews, Alberto Angela guides us to discover the many secrets still to be revealed about the two statues
4. Hiroshima e Nagasaki: i sopravvissuti raccontano
Among the contents of the special episode of Ulisse there will be the testimonies that Alberto Angela collected in Japan among the survivors of the bombs, 70 years later. We understand the importance of the unique and unrepeatable testimonies of the few survivors.
5. Aspettando Ulisse. Il piacere della scoperta
6. Aspettando Ulisse... Spartaco. Lo schiavo ribelle
7. Aspettando Ulisse. Zar. Gloria e caduta
What happens on the set of Ulisse during filming? How do Alberto Angela, the director, the operators, the assistants, the authors and the guests who were interviewed work? We tell it in the preview of "Tsar: glory and fall", the second episode of "Ulisse - Il piacere della scoperta"
8. Aspettando Ulisse. Viaggio nel Nome della Rosa
The third episode of Ulysses, on April 22nd, will follow the thread of the story of one of the most important Italian novels of all time: The Name of the Rose.
9. Aspettando Ulisse. Viaggio nel mondo della Gioconda
10. Aspettando Ulisse. Un patrimonio da difendere
The last episode is dedicated to the protection of our Cultural Heritage, in particular in the countries of Central Italy tragically affected by the recent earthquake. Let's see the interventions of all those who work to defend our precious historical and artistic heritage.
11. Aspettando Ulisse 2017
12. Aspettando Ulisse 2018
13. Quella notte sulla Luna
The emotions of the moon landing will be relived. Piero and Alberto Angela will talk about that historic night at the end of the 1960s and many curiosities about this epochal event.
14. Quella notte sulla Luna (seconda versione)
The emotions of the moon landing will be relived. Piero and Alberto Angela will talk about that historic night at the end of the 1960s and many curiosities about this epochal event.
15. Speciale Shoah - Viaggio senza ritorno (seconda versione della puntata regolare del 13/10/2018)
Alberto Angela recounts the long journey of no return of the Jewish women, children and men who on 16 October 1943 were captured in Rome by the SS and taken by train to Auschwitz and other extermination camps.
16. La corona dei Windsor
On the occasion of the coronation of Charles III of the United Kingdom, we retrace the history of the Windsor family and British coronations, the last of which dates back to seventy years ago, when the crown of Saint Edward encircled the head of the young Elizabeth II.
17. Piero Angela. Un viaggio lungo una vita
Alberto Angela retraces all the stages of Piero Angela's seventy-year career: a pioneer, a visionary who, always with rationality and scientific rigor, told us about the complexity of the world, the progress of science and technology, but also, prematurely, the consequences of accelerating progress, ethical and environmental problems. An intellectual who knew how to speak to everyone, explaining sometimes very complex things with simple and clear words.
18. Pompei: una grande scoperta
In Regio IX of Pompeii a new unexpected discovery: a large fresco, a megalograph with a Dionysian theme. Alberto Angela shows exclusively a sumptuous banquet hall with extraordinary frescoes, witnesses of rites, art and life in the ancient city.