Series 2 Plot
This series follows the adventures of a family run crew of heavy-haulage specialists as they race to transport the heaviest, longest and most precious locomotives around the world by road, rail and sea.
Train Truckers Series 2 aired on July 28th, 2022.
Series 2 Episodes
1. 100 Ton Train
A fully restored Class 47 diesel engine is transported from its home at Crewe Heritage Centre in Cheshire to the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway in Derbyshire.
2. Heavy Haul Train
A CBD80 battery-powered loco needs to be hauled 20 miles from a factory in Burton-on-Trent to the heritage Chasewater Railway in Staffordshire.
3. GWR Steam Locomotive
In Shropshire a Great Western Railway 'Modified Hall' steam engine and its tender is being taken out of service as it needs a safety inspection.
4. WW2 Steam Train
A cherished wartime iron workhorse needs to be hauled 160 miles from the Churnet Valley Railway in Staffordshire to a winter extravaganza in Oxfordshire.
5. Sir Nigel Gresley Train
The A4 LNER Pacific Locomotive Sir Nigel Gresley must be hauled 46 miles at 30mph from Crewe to Bridgnorth.
6. Royal Highland Fuslier
The Royal Highland Fuslier, a 100-ton Deltic diesel engine, must be hauled from Leicestershire to Wirksworth in Cheshire.
7. Deltic 9009
A legendary diesel locomotive, that's undergone over half a million pounds worth of repairs must be hauled over 40 miles ready for a diesel gala.
8. Class 37
The Train Truckers are on the clock this week as they attempt to move a 100-ton diesel engine to a gala extravaganza, as well as a 175-ton rail crane destined for Egypt.