Series 3 Plot
Two years on since the explosive events of the second season, outsider turned kingmaker, Alex Irving, is now completely at home in the nation's capital. She's at the centre of power, holding the Government on a short leash, but it's taking a toll.
Total Control Series 3 aired on January 14th, 2024.
Series 3 Episodes
1. Episode 1
It's been two years since Alex Irving anointed Paul Murphy as Australia's first Aboriginal Prime Minister. Since then, the government has weathered a global pandemic and the tide of public sentiment turning against them.
2. Episode 2
Alex receives a health diagnosis which threatens to derail her political ambitions. Rachel learns some shocking news about her campaign finance from journalist Marion Beaumont.
3. Episode 3
At a Parliamentary event, Rachel gathers the numbers for her alliance, while a serious health scare throws Alex's entire future into jeopardy.
4. Episode 4
Alex makes an unsavoury deal with a political rival on a nation-changing piece of legislation. Charlie reaches breaking point.
5. Episode 5
Determined to reform youth justice, Alex pushes forward with her radical plan in the House of Representatives. Rachel seizes the opportunity for her own advantage.
6. Episode 6
Alex and Rachel battle to control their political destinies in the gripping final instalment of Total Control. Welcome to the future of Australian democracy.