Seattle Plot
Top Chef: Seattle was the tenth season of the American reality television series Top Chef, which aired on Bravo. The season was announced on September 19, 2012, and premiered on November 7, 2012. The competition was initially filmed in Seattle, Washington before moving to Juneau, Alaska for 3 episodes, and then concluding in Los Angeles, California. 21 new contestants and 3 Top Chef veterans were selected to compete for the title of "Top Chef" and the $125,000 grand prize.
Top Chef Seattle aired on November 6th, 2012.
Seattle Episodes
1. The Ultimate Chef Test
Twenty-one contestants compete for fifteen spots in real-world challenges administered by the judges.
2. A Shock at the Space Needle
The fifteen chefs who remain after last week's qualifying challenge must think on their feet and at a high elevation when a twist complicates their challenge.
3. Tom vs. Emeril: Turkeypocalypse
The chefs choose international dumpling recipes for the Quickfire, and then team up with either Tom or Emeril in a Thanksgiving challenge.
4. 50's Food Flashback
First the chefs must demonstrate their knife skills, and then they board a time machine, metaphorically at least, so they can design menus from the 1950s.