Season 5 Episodes
1. Hell on High Water
On December 26, 1998, 112 yachts set out on the annual Sydney- Hobart Yacht Race. Within 24 hours, a cyclone had left six yachtsmen dead and prompted the rescue of 57 others. This gripping film charts the events through the experiences of competitors, who quickly found that winning the race became secondary to survival. "You could see death working in that water," says skipper Tony Mowbray, of the 80ft waves which sank seven vessels.
2. Quest for the Lost City
An expedition searches the Guatemalan jungle for a lost ancient Maya city.
3. China's Titanic
Maritime historian Nigel Pickford and treasure-hunter Michael Hatcher set out to prove the existence of a legendary Chinese cargo ship laden with porcelain.
4. Dreaming on Desolation Island
Journalist and former MP Matthew Parris journeys to an island so battered by Antarctic gales and snow that no one has ever managed to make a life there. For four months he explores the island with a group of French scientists.