Three Men Go to New England Plot
In late December 2011, BBC Two aired a seventh series of Three Men set across the Atlantic in New England, with the first episode airing at 21:00 on 27 December and the second airing the following day. The series followed the three men as they journey along the New England coast to join the birthday party flotilla celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty. Part of this series was shot in Provincetown, Massachusetts, at the tip of Cape Cod.
Three Men in a Boat Three Men Go to New England aired on December 27th, 2011.
Three Men Go to New England Episodes
1. Three Men Go to New England (1)
Rory McGrath, Griff Rhys Jones and Dara O Briain head to America to join a birthday party flotilla celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty, in New York harbour. They start in the cradle of American history, New England, and have just ten days to find a suitable vessel and get to New York.
2. Three Men Go to New England (2)
The three men soon discover that the end of October is a bad time to look for boats. It's the end of the season for some and the start of the racing season in the Caribbean for others. But few can make it to New York. They decide to take a trip to Cape Cod to see a famous lifeboat; en route they have a go at sports fishing, and see a pilot whale