Watch 'Three-Body' Season 1 Online

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Season 1 Episodes


1. Episode 1

January 15th, 202343 min

Many scientists across the world commit suicide. Wang Miao, an applied physicist, is asked to do an undercover job in an organization called The Frontier of Science.


2. Episode 2

January 16th, 202344 min

Wang attends a conference held by The Frontier of Science. Later, he discovers a series of mysterious numbers appearing on his pictures.


3. Episode 3

January 17th, 202343 min

Wang finds a countdown in the middle of his sight. He goes to Shen for answers.


4. Episode 4

January 18th, 202347 min

Wang shuts down his experiment, and the countdown disappears. He visits Ye Wenjie in order to find a spot to observe the flicker of the universe.


5. Episode 5

January 19th, 202351 min

Wang witnesses the universe flicker for him. With encouragement from Shi and his family, he decides to fight against whoever is behind it.


6. Episode 6

January 20th, 202343 min

Sha presents the theory that shows the flicker could be faked. Wang and Shi look through Ye's files and learn of her tragic past.


7. Episode 7

January 22nd, 202345 min

Wang decides to take on the undercover job. He is presented with a game that claims to showcase the world of a highly advanced alien civilization.


8. Episode 8

January 23rd, 202349 min

The civilization is demolished in the game, leaving Wang overwhelmed by how real it feels. No one can find any information on the game developer. The General decides to put top scientists in military custody for protection.


9. Episode 9

January 24th, 202343 min

Hu Xiaoxi, who was Pan's messenger, turns himself in. Wang and Shi go to Shen's place seeking the truth.


10. Episode 10

January 25th, 202345 min

Shi suggests that the cause of Yang's death took place in the last three days of her life. Wang goes to Ye in order to learn more about her history.


11. Episode 11

January 26th, 202334 min

Ye was accused of reading a forbidden book and writing a letter that conveyed anti-revolutionary ideas. She was given a way out, but with one condition: to accuse her father as anti-revolutionary even after his death.


12. Episode 12

January 27th, 202344 min

Wang enters the game again and witnesses a model showing a possible structure of the universe. The civilization this time is destroyed with the sun approaching rapidly.


13. Episode 13

January 29th, 202345 min

Wang goes to Ye to learn more about Red Coast. Ye tells him about her experience of being selected as a member of the base.


14. Episode 14

January 30th, 202345 min

Yang tries his best to keep Ye away from the core of Red Coast. Lei personally engages Ye for unknown reasons.


15. Episode 15

January 31st, 202346 min

Wang gains insight from gaming with Dou. As "Copernicus," he presents a radical theory, facing danger but advancing understanding.


16. Episode 16

February 1st, 202346 min

Shi and Xu uncover Shen's husband's secretive calculations. In the Three-Body game, triple suns cause chaos, leading to civilization's destruction. Mu learns truths from Pan and decides whom to trust.


17. Episode 17

February 2nd, 202346 min

Shi and Wang encounter a murder investigation on their train journey to Hailar, realizing Shen is targeted by another formidable force. Ye advises Shen's safety while sharing her past with Wang.


18. Episode 18

February 3rd, 202344 min

Transferred to a secret department, Ye learns the truth about Red Coast with Yang's help. Despite the disappointment, she stays, driven by the pursuit of extraterrestrial life, bidding farewell to Wang.


19. Episode 19

February 5th, 202349 min

Wang and Shi regroup, sharing findings and returning to Beijing. Xu continues Shen's investigation. Ye confronts ETO leader Evans, revealing ideological divides. Wei seeks solace in mathematics amidst threats.


20. Episode 20

February 6th, 202348 min

Shen discovers Wei's Three-Body calculations at a temple, leading to their relationship. Despite threats, they seek refuge with Wang, who takes possession of a crucial USB containing their research.


21. Episode 21

February 7th, 202350 min

Police find Shen's death a suicide, clearing Pan. Wang attends a Three-Body game meetup where Pan reveals extraterrestrial existence. Meanwhile, global preparation against the aliens begins as mistrust spreads.


22. Episode 22

February 8th, 202345 min

Ye mourns Shen and suspects Pan's involvement with ETO. Wang and Shi observe ETO's internal divisions. The Operations Center locates the game server, while Pan shuts it down calmly. Wang learns of Three-Body's departure.


23. Episode 23

February 9th, 202345 min

Wang receives an invite to the ETO meeting. Clues reveal Chen as an ETO member. Wang prepares for the meeting, knowing it implicates Ye.


24. Episode 24

February 10th, 202345 min

Ye proposes using the sun to send signals into space, facing opposition. Despite risks, she conducts the experiment secretly. Years later, she receives three ominous messages from space.


25. Episode 25

February 12th, 202344 min

Ye learns of Trisolaris and decides humanity's fate. She reveals the significance of Wang's research. Shi takes action against Chen, averting disaster.


26. Episode 26

February 13th, 202345 min

Ye learns of her pregnancy just before Lei's attempt to monopolize the Trisolarian message.


27. Episode 27

February 14th, 202345 min

Ye's interrogation of former Red Guards yields no remorse. Wang joins her team. Ye meets Evans, who, disillusioned with humanity, builds "Judgment Day," inheriting wealth but not his father's business.


28. Episode 28

February 15th, 202345 min

Ye reveals Trisolarans sent sophons to halt human science. Wang learns about Yang's suicide.


29. Episode 29

February 16th, 202345 min

Shi proposes using Wang's flying blade to slice Judgment Day, aiming to secure Trisolarian data.


30. Episode 30

February 17th, 202345 min

Shi and Wang continue the game, uncovering the Trisolaran monitoring stations akin to Red Coast Base on Earth, receiving awaited messages from space.