The Worst Week of My Life

The Worst Week of My Life Season 2

TV Show

Season 2 Episodes

1. Monday

November 17th, 200530 min

Howard and mother-to-be Mel begin the week by moving into the cottage bequeathed to them in Granny's will, but their upheaval coincides with the funeral. When one of the pallbearers is taken ill, Dick finds it difficult to entrust the job to the new member of the family.

2. Tuesday

November 24th, 200530 min

Howard and Mel are staying with Mel's parents until the cottage is ready. Howard is also having a few problems at work and after giving Eve a lift home events spiral leaving Howard feeling the long arm of the law.

3. Wednesday

December 1st, 200530 min

After the adventures of the night Howard is excused from the day's special occasion - instead opting to prepare a celebratory meal. With extra company in the shape of Uncle Fraser and problems from work still tugging at Howard's heels can the evening for once be a pleasant one?

4. Thursday

December 8th, 200530 min

As the week drags on for Howard things seem to be going from bad to worse. Dick discovers the truth about the cottage and Howard's trouble at work is also revealed. Poor Howard, at least friends over for dinner will provide some much needed light relief.

5. Friday

December 15th, 200530 min

Howard is busy doing his best to put a few things right, but it's not easy. As progress is made on one thing, yet another seems to be waiting to catch Howard out. After a tense meeting at work it seems that Mel's big day has arrived early! Is it time to meet Baby Steel?

6. Saturday

December 23rd, 200530 min

It's the weekend at last and the day for Dick's celebration. Friends and relatives are arriving and Howard helps to get things ready. With the party in full swing and Dick's special gift finally secured the evening seems set for success - but not before yet another interruption...

7. Sunday

December 29th, 200530 min

It's all hands on deck to get ready for the baby's arrival. Howard and Dick work together and just in time the midwife arrives. As the night wears on the anticipation builds. Will what has been the worst week of their lives turn into the best one yet for Howard and Mel?

All Seasons

Season 3

Season 3

Dec 23, 2006
Season 2

Season 2

Nov 16, 2005
Season 1

Season 1

Mar 12, 2004