Season 6 Episodes
1. Virginity
About marriage makeovers
2. Marriage Makeover
Coming Soon
3. The Brothel
All about the breasts
4. Breasts
What is beautiful? While there is no simple answer, many scientists are piecing together the puzzle that makes up a popular definition of beauty. There are some common threads: symmetry, waist-to-hip ratio, and masculine and feminine traits that the majority is attracted to. Those attractions are all linked to sex and reproduction, but are there really universal standards of beauty? Or is beauty as varied as the cultures of the world? This episode will also look at the growing trend, or some would say addiction, to beauty in North America. The desire to drastically change one's physical appearance through plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures has sparked a boom that shows no signs of stopping. We'll also reveal the life benefits to being beautiful.
5. Sex and Beauty
Girls on Top
6. Girls on Top
Sex and Aging
7. Sex and Aging
The top ten myths concerning sexuality and your sex life.
8. Top Ten Myths
All about the touch
9. Touch
All about sex and rock n' roll
10. Sex and Rock n' Roll
Coming Soon
11. Satisfaction
Top Ten Archetypes
12. Top Ten Archetypes
Sextracurricular Activities