The Secret Life Of...

Scripted TV Show
The Secret Life of... is a television show on the Food Network hosted by George Duran. The ellipsis in the title refers to the food item or style of food which is featured during the 30 minute program. Included in the lineup are: cookies, steak, comfort foods, coffee, tailgating and popcorn. The show combines history segments with recipe segments. The history segments highlight key events in a food's history, usually including where it originated. In the recipe segments, George travels to different parts of America to become an "assistant" in the kitchen of a store or restaurant which specializes in the item featured in the episode. Actor Jim O'Connor hosted the show for the first several years of its existence. During the O'Connor era, the show ended with the "Jim O'Connor Road Show" where Jim highlighted locations and festivals which celebrate food in unique ways. As of April 23, 2007, George Duran took over hosting duties. George Duran was formerly the host of Food Network's "Ham on the Street", but with his current hosting duties, that show's status is unclear. The series was developed by Sara Hutchison and Kerry Lambert for Greystone Television. Kerry Lambert was the show runner for 7 of its 8 seasons.

All Seasons

. season 8

. season 8

Oct 8, 2007
. season 7

. season 7

Jul 16, 2007
. season 6

. season 6

Jun 4, 2007

TV Show Details

Last Air Date:March 17th, 2008

Network:Food Network
Original Language:English