Season 1 Plot

Sara breaks her relationship with Cheo and gets fired from the Hotel where she was working. Jobless and facing her love situation, she decides to spend a few days in San Gaspar with her uncles Simón and Vicente. Meanwhile, the General Director of CONATROL, a company dedicated to distribute gasoline, decides to send Antonio Andrade to their factory located in San Gaspar due to the huge gasoline robbery there is in that area. Antonio accepts to go immediately, putting off his wedding with Isabel, the daughter of millionaire Guillermo Cisneros. Ricardo, another employee at CONATROL, takes advantage of Antonio’s absence to do anything in order to take his place, not only at work, but also seducing Isabel, Antonio’s fiancée, and making and alliance with Pedro, the local leader of the gasoline plunderers. Destiny puts Sara and Antonio together, first as neighbors and then when Sara comes to CONATROL looking for a job. Sara and Antonio spend a weekend together in an unexpected trip where an attraction emerges between them. Despite the fact that they have such different personalities, Sara’s attitude and freshness will win his heart over, little by little.

La Vecina Season 1 aired on May 25th, 2015.

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Season 1 Episodes

1. Sorpresivo encuentro

May 25th, 201542 min

2. Celos a domicilio

May 26th, 201542 min

3. Mentiras piadosas

May 27th, 201542 min

4. Tragedias inoportunas

May 28th, 201542 min

5. Sentimientos encontrados

May 29th, 201542 min

6. Secuestrado por la vecina

June 1st, 201542 min

7. Beso inesperado

June 2nd, 201542 min

8. Relaciones complicadas

June 3rd, 201542 min

9. Ilusiones

June 4th, 201542 min

10. Decepciones amorosas

June 5th, 201542 min

11. Decisiones difíciles

June 8th, 201542 min

12. Planes sin escrúpulos

June 9th, 201542 min

13. Confesiones

June 10th, 201542 min

14. Visita inesperada

June 11th, 201542 min

15. Problemas a domicilio

June 12th, 201542 min

16. Planes de Boda

June 15th, 201542 min

17. Amor Imposible

June 16th, 201542 min

18. Decepciones

June 17th, 201542 min

19. Boda en puerta

June 18th, 201542 min

20. Boda Cancelada

June 19th, 201542 min

21. Arresto innecesario

June 22nd, 201542 min

22. No habrá matrimonio

June 23rd, 201542 min

23. Nuevo empleo

June 24th, 201542 min

24. Gran juego

June 25th, 201542 min

25. Llamada inesperada

June 26th, 201542 min

26. Otro amor

June 29th, 201542 min

27. Sentimientos confusos

June 30th, 201542 min

28. Buena noticia

July 1st, 201542 min

29. Amor complicado

July 2nd, 201542 min

30. Beso rechazado

July 3rd, 201542 min

31. Triste noticia

July 6th, 201542 min

32. Mensajes inesperados

July 7th, 201542 min

33. Celos

July 8th, 201542 min

34. La novia

July 9th, 201542 min

35. Fianza pagada

July 10th, 201542 min

36. Venganza azul

July 13th, 201542 min

37. Gato en casa

July 14th, 201544 min

38. Cuando el amor muere

July 15th, 201544 min

39. Promesa fuerte

July 16th, 201542 min

40. Peligroso acuerdo

July 17th, 201543 min

41. Amantes descubiertos

July 20th, 201543 min

42. Fotos comprometedoras

July 21st, 201543 min

43. Trampa

July 22nd, 201543 min

44. Propuesta de matrimonio

July 23rd, 201543 min

45. Corazón roto

July 24th, 201543 min

46. Noticias importantes

July 27th, 201543 min

47. Traición

July 28th, 201543 min

48. Mujer despreciada

July 29th, 201543 min

49. La mujer más importante

July 30th, 201543 min

50. Amor y amistad

July 31st, 201543 min

51. Mujer lastimada

August 3rd, 201543 min

52. Mala acción

August 4th, 201543 min

53. Cita arruinada

August 5th, 201543 min

54. Disculpas sinceras

August 6th, 201543 min

55. Problemas

August 7th, 201543 min

56. En una relación

August 10th, 201543 min

57. Futura suegra

August 11th, 201543 min

58. Falta de confianza

August 12th, 201543 min

59. Dudas

August 13th, 201543 min

60. Dos amores

August 14th, 201543 min

61. El amante

August 17th, 201543 min

62. Al borde de la muerte

August 18th, 201543 min

63. Provocaciones

August 19th, 201543 min

64. Reproches

August 20th, 201543 min

65. Solo falsedades

August 21st, 201543 min

66. Peticiones imposibles

August 24th, 201543 min

67. Propuesta mortal

August 25th, 201543 min

68. Deseo o amor

August 26th, 201543 min

69. Muerte al acecho

August 27th, 201543 min

70. Plan mortal

August 28th, 201543 min

71. Segundas oportunidades

August 31st, 201543 min

72. Sospechas

September 1st, 201543 min

73. Llegada sorpresa

September 2nd, 201543 min

74. Mentiras sin fin

September 3rd, 201543 min

75. Venganza

September 4th, 201543 min

76. Sólo amigos

September 7th, 201543 min

77. Viejos recuerdos

September 8th, 201543 min

78. Celos enfermizos

September 9th, 201543 min

79. Terrible obsesión

September 10th, 201543 min

80. Como balde de agua

September 11th, 201543 min

81. Sentimientos ocultos

September 14th, 201543 min

82. Aprendiendo a olvidar

September 15th, 201543 min

83. Fotografías reveladoras

September 16th, 201543 min

84. Verde como marciano

September 17th, 201543 min

85. Sin perdón

September 18th, 201543 min

86. Perdidas de gasolina

September 21st, 201543 min

87. Corrupción en la empresa

September 22nd, 201543 min

88. Misión al descubierto

September 23rd, 201543 min

89. Rumores y sospechas

September 24th, 201543 min

90. Presiones

September 25th, 201543 min

91. Problemas en casa

September 28th, 201543 min

92. Prioridades

September 29th, 201543 min

93. Plan fallido

September 30th, 201543 min

94. Amenaza

October 1st, 201543 min

95. Situación inoportuna

October 2nd, 201543 min

96. Planes y más planes

October 5th, 201543 min

97. Realidades

October 6th, 201543 min

98. Fiesta de cumpleaños

October 7th, 201543 min

99. Un corazón para la mujer amada

October 8th, 201543 min

100. Fallas en el plan

October 9th, 201543 min

101. Buscando al traidor

October 12th, 201543 min

102. Mujer embarazada

October 13th, 201543 min

103. Relación prohibida

October 14th, 201543 min

104. Invitado no deseado

October 15th, 201543 min

105. Esposo Peligroso

October 16th, 201543 min

106. Oportunidad de amar

October 19th, 201543 min

107. Prueba de embarazo falsa

October 20th, 201543 min

108. Compromiso terminado

October 21st, 201543 min

109. Boda obligada

October 22nd, 201543 min

110. Explosión provocada

October 23rd, 201543 min

111. El amor por la vecina

October 26th, 201543 min

112. Volviendo a comenzar

October 27th, 201543 min

113. Engaño

October 28th, 201543 min

114. En peligro de muerte

October 29th, 201543 min

115. Muerto en vida

October 30th, 201543 min

116. Separación

November 2nd, 201543 min

117. Tan lejos y tan cerca

November 3rd, 201543 min

118. Palabras que hieren

November 4th, 201543 min

119. Primeros indicios

November 5th, 201543 min

120. En peligro

November 6th, 201543 min

121. Episode 121

November 9th, 2015

122. Episode 122

November 10th, 2015

123. Episode 123

November 11th, 2015

124. Episode 124

November 12th, 2015

125. Episode 125

November 13th, 2015

126. Episode 126

November 16th, 2015

127. Episode 127

November 17th, 2015

128. Episode 128

November 18th, 2015

129. Episode 129

November 19th, 2015

130. Episode 130

November 20th, 2015

131. Episode 131

November 23rd, 2015

132. Episode 132

November 24th, 2015

133. Episode 133

November 25th, 2015

134. Episode 134

November 26th, 2015

135. Episode 135

November 27th, 2015

136. Episode 136

November 30th, 2015

137. Episode 137

December 1st, 2015

138. Episode 138

December 2nd, 2015

139. Episode 139

December 3rd, 2015

140. Episode 140

December 4th, 2015

141. Episode 141

December 7th, 2015

142. Episode 142

December 8th, 2015

143. Episode 143

December 9th, 2015

144. Episode 144

December 10th, 2015

145. Episode 145

December 11th, 2015

146. Episode 146

December 14th, 2015

147. Episode 147

December 15th, 2015

148. Episode 148

December 16th, 2015

149. Episode 149

December 17th, 2015

150. Episode 150

December 18th, 2015

151. Episode 151

December 21st, 2015

152. Episode 152

December 22nd, 2015

153. Episode 153

December 23rd, 2015

154. Episode 154

December 24th, 2015

155. Episode 155

December 25th, 2015

156. Episode 156

December 28th, 2015

157. Episode 157

December 29th, 2015

158. Episode 158

December 30th, 2015

159. Episode 159

December 31st, 2015

160. Episode 160

January 1st, 2016

161. Episode 161

January 4th, 2016

162. Episode 162

January 5th, 2016

163. Episode 163

January 6th, 2016

164. Episode 164

January 7th, 2016

165. Episode 165

January 8th, 2016

166. Episode 166

January 11th, 2016

167. Episode 167

January 12th, 2016

168. Episode 168

January 13th, 2016

169. Episode 169

January 14th, 2016

170. Episode 170

January 15th, 2016

171. Episode 171

January 18th, 2016

172. Episode 172

January 19th, 2016

173. Episode 173

January 20th, 2016

174. Episode 174

January 21st, 2016

175. Episode 175

January 22nd, 2016

176. Episode 176

January 24th, 2016

177. Episode 177

January 24th, 201643 min