The Lesson

The Lesson Season 1: Episode Guide & Ratings

Season 1 Episodes

1. The Class

January 10th, 202235 min

Lian, a 17-year-old student, argues about banning Arabs from entering Israel with her teacher Amir, who tries to change her mind but is met with some of the class loudly sharing her sentiment.

2. The Post

January 17th, 202241 min

Asi helps Lian's video about Amir's provocative views on the IDF go viral, and Amir's son finds it. In a bid to make it go away, Amir calls for a meeting between himself, the principal, Lian, and her parents.

3. The Choice

January 24th, 202240 min

After Amir's apology backfires horribly, Ze'ev gives him the choice to teach under supervision or attend a hearing with the disciplinary committee.

4. The Television

January 31st, 202241 min

Lian and Asi arrive at the TV studio in high spirits, which are shaken when they see Amir, who warns them that they've all been set up by the show's producer.

5. The Demonstration

February 7th, 202240 min

Amir's daughter isn't allowed back to school unless she takes a psychiatric suicidal ideation evaluation. Lian bonds with Alon, Asi's injured brother.

6. The Hearing

February 14th, 202242 min

Lian gets a call from a radio show to comment on Amir potentially losing his teaching license. Amir listens to the conversation while in the car with his wife and daughter on the way to a psychiatric hospital.