The Korean War by Indy Neidell

The Korean War by Indy Neidell Season 2024

TV Show

Season 2024 Episodes

1. The Korean War Week 001 - The Korean War Begins - June 25, 1950

June 25th, 202424 min

Despite the fact that there have been clear signs that they might soon invade South Korea, when the North actually does in force on June 25th, 1950, it comes as a complete shock to the world. But is this a full invasion, or just cross border raids such as there were in 1949? And is there something more behind this? Stalin's Soviets? Mao's Chinese? And how will the world react? Find out this week as our week by week coverage of the war begins!

2. The Korean War Week 002 - The Fall of Seoul - July 2, 1950

July 2nd, 202427 min

The North Korean forces are advancing all over, and this week they take Seoul, the South's capital city, after just a few days of the war. There is another tragedy for the South when the Han River Bridge is blown while thousands of people are crossing it, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths. The World responds to the invasion- condemning it everywhere, and the Americans decide to send in ground forces to help the South.

3. The Korean War Week 003 - Never Fear, MacArthur's Here! - July 9, 1950

July 9th, 202426 min

American troops have arrived in Korea and engage the KPA- the forces of the North- in the field this week for the first time. It does not go well for them. In fact, it's hard to imagine it going worse. The Americans are outnumbered and outgunned and are routed. In fact, the KPA are advancing all over the country, though they are taking heavy casualties themselves.

4. The Korean War Week 004 - Americans Repeatedly Routed - July 16, 1950

July 16th, 202425 min

Elements of the US 24th Division, the only American one that's arrived in force in Korea so far, take on the North Korean forces aiming for Taejon, but they are badly- and easily- defeated each time. In the center and the east coast it's the ROK- the forces of the South- that are reorganizing and getting into position to try to stop the enemy. And Douglas MacArthur is officially appointed commander of all UN forces in Korea.

5. The Korean War Week 005 - The Allied Cluster f**k at Taejon - July 23, 1950

July 23rd, 202424 min

Taejon falls this week to the advancing North Korean steam roller, but the fight there is complete chaos that even sees the top American General fleeing into the local hills. However, two divisions of American reinforcements have arrived and perhaps they can turn the tide. The US also has decided to massively increase its defense spending and conscript tens of thousands of men, which may well help to do that.

6. The Korean War Week 006 - Stand or Die! - July 30, 1950

July 30th, 202424 min

The UN Forces have been pushed back ever further, but this week, US 8th Army Commander Walton Walker issues the order to 'stand or die'; he sees no other options. American reinforcements are finally getting into the actual fight, though, and Britain has decided they will send in ground troops, so things might turn around... if they can hold out long enough for those troops to arrive, because a brilliant North Korean strategy might win the war and soon.

7. The Korean War Week 007 - The Pusan Perimeter - August 6, 1950

August 6th, 202422 min

The UN forces are withdrawn this week across the Naktong River into a new defensive zone in the Southeast corner of the Peninsula- the Pusan Perimeter, but already as the week begins they are in great danger from the right hook near the coast by the North Korean 6th Division, that threatens to upend everything, taking Chinju and aiming for Masan. There are also machinations afoot with the Chinese in Taiwan, and the fear that a larger war could erupt if things aren't handled right concerning the Chinese; it's a week full of tension.

8. The Korean War Week 008 - The First UN Counterattack - August 13, 1950

August 13th, 202419 min

The first UN large scale counterattack goes off this week; this by the American Task Force Kean. It has both successes and failures, and it runs right into a new North Korean offensive. The fighting happens just about everywhere on the Pusan Perimeter this week, though. That's the area into which the UN forces have been compressed, and it is particularly threatening at the Naktong Bulge. It is, plain and simple, a week of desperate and bloody fighting and that's about it.

9. The Korean War Week 009 - Bloody UN Victory at Naktong Bulge - August 20, 1950

August 20th, 202422 min

The Marines are deployed to back up the UN forces facing disaster in the Naktong Bulge and by the end of the week the tide has turned, and the crack North Korean 4th Division has been shattered. There is also fighting around the whole rest of the Pusan Perimeter, and it is shrinking from all the attacks, though on the east coast the battle goes in favor of the South Korean forces this week at Pohang-Dong.

10. The Korean War Week 010 - - August 27, 1950

August 27th, 202424 min

Douglas MacArthur has a plan for an amphibious invasion of Incheon, and he thinks it will turn the tide of the war. This week comes his heavy pitch to be allowed to do it to the powers-that-be among American command. The war in the field continues as the UN forces win the Battle of the Bowling Alley, but an air force attack accidentally hits targets over the border in China. Mao Zedong is furious. Also, MacArthur gets flak this week from the President for outspokenly advocating actions counter to US official policy with regard to China, so the Chinese situation grows ever more tense.

11. The Korean War Week 011 - Destroy the Perimeter! - September 3, 1950

September 3rd, 202419 min

The North Korean forces launch a huge new offensive against the entire Pusan Perimeter, hoping to break through at least somewhere along the line. They are aware that time is of the essence, for the UN forces grow in number daily, while they are losing a battle of attrition. Some new UN arrivals this week are the first British ground troops in Korea for the fight. Meanwhile, Douglas MacArthur's plans for his upcoming surprise counteroffensive hit all sorts of snags thanks to Korean geography.

12. The Korean War Week 012 - Green Light for Incheon - September 10, 1950

September 10th, 202419 min

Douglas MacArthur's brazen plan to land two full divisions far behind enemy lines and sabotage the North Korean logistics finally gets the green light from the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, despite the myriad difficulties everyone knows the operation will face. It is to go off next week. In the field, the North Korean offensive against the Naktong Bulge continues, though it seems to be running out of steam, and the UN forces get beefed up as the first British troops to arrive in Korea join the battle line.

13. The Korean War Week 013 - 70,000 UN Troops Head for Incheon - September 17, 1950

September 17th, 202418 min

This week sees the UN forces execute Operation Chromite, the amphibious invasion of the port of Incheon, far behind enemy lines. There are many hurdles to clear before this can happen, including the physical one of one of the world's largest tidal ranges, which leaves many kilometers of mud flats in the approaches. There is also a UN counterattack at the same time, designed to perhaps break out of the Pusan Perimeter, or at least tie down big chunks of the enemy in the south.

14. The Korean War Week 014 - - September 24, 1950

September 24th, 2024

15. The Korean War Week 015 - - October 1, 1950

October 1st, 2024

16. The Korean War Week 016 - - October 8, 1950

October 8th, 2024

17. The Korean War Week 017 - - October 15, 1950

October 15th, 2024

18. The Korean War Week 018 - - October 22, 1950

October 22nd, 2024

19. The Korean War Week 019 - - October 29, 1950

October 29th, 2024

20. The Korean War Week 020 - - November 5, 1950

November 5th, 2024

21. The Korean War Week 021 - - November 12, 1950

November 12th, 2024

22. The Korean War Week 022 - - November 19, 1950

November 19th, 2024

23. The Korean War Week 023 - - November 26, 1950

November 26th, 2024

24. The Korean War Week 024 - - December 3, 1950

December 3rd, 2024

25. The Korean War Week 025 - - December 10, 1950

December 10th, 2024

26. The Korean War Week 026 - - December 17, 1950

December 17th, 2024

27. The Korean War Week 027 - - December 24, 1950

December 24th, 2024

28. The Korean War Week 028 - - December 31, 1950

December 31st, 2024

All Seasons

Season 2024

Season 2024

Jun 25, 2024


Jun 17, 2024