Watch 'The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe' Chapter One: Journey to Svanland Online

Chapter One: Journey to Svanland Episodes
1. The Prince and the Valiant Quest
As Ivandoe and Bert leave for their quest in order to find the Golden feather, a winged Snake steals Ivandoe's map, which is then revealed to be the photograph his mother the Queen gave him before leaving, getting a new sword in the process.
2. The Prince and the Chicken of Doom
Ivandoe and Bert arrive in a village in prey of the so-called "Chicken of Doom" which devastates the village just to get their vegetables. After an attempt to fight it, Ivandoe figures out that the chicken isn't a dreadful beast after all.
3. The Prince and the Sing Songy Stag
Ivandoe comes across then saves a marsh deer called Brian who reveals to be a bard. However, his bard manners are very blunt and Ivandoe wants to get rid of him in every way possible.
4. The Prince and the Tears of Triumph
Ivandoe saves Jezebel, the thieftress who almost stole his locket. Becoming smitten of her again, he accepts to get her the famous tears of triumph which are said to cure every illness.
5. The Prince and the Turnip Tricksters
Ivandoe and Bert arrive at a farm village, where the turnips appear to be missing. Strange creatures show him and his squire the way to find them, but then under the costumes of the creatures they reveal to be the sassy gnomes, who swore revenge against his careless attitude of throwing away turnip tops.
6. The Prince and the Swoony Swanstress
Ivandoe hates swans, especially his worst enemy Prince Svan, but when Bert becomes smitten of a swanstress called Svandaline, revealed to be Svan's sister, who had lost her memory, for a moment he realizes that not all swans are swoony... Until Svandaline gets her memory back and bluntly and meanly rejects Bert.
7. The Prince and the Feather Fluffer-Upper (Part 1)
After reading a story about the legendary trident of the tides, for her birthday princess Syllabob wants that for her gift for her Sweet 16, so Axalotyl forces Ivandoe and Bert to retrieve that at the swan palace.
8. The Prince and the Feather Fluffer-Upper (Part 2)
After getting caught by Svan, Ivandoe attempts to fight him to get the trident which Svan transformed that to a feather flupper-upper. Once it was to Syllabob's hands, she swore revenge against the Swan Kingdom who was stole the trident.