Season 3 Episodes
1. In Meatro
One billion gods working inside three trillion universes couldn’t possibly create a reality this stupid.
2. WUWPs
The history of America is a narrative concerning the triumph of white supremacy.
3. Klansgender Rights
Children are born corrupt, but gradually over time they begin to pass away and then rot.
4. Groaning Amore
When little ol’ love finally learns to talk, it chooses instead to yowl until its throat fills with brown.
5. Oralboros
For once, the tail manages to catch its snake and gobbles it down with a side of bibleberries.
6. Slaughter Me to Heaven
The only true fact left in the whole world turns out to be a police sting to catch sexual predators and lock them up behind pearly gates.
7. Congroined Hearts
While it is busy having fun, victory is eaten by time flies.
8. The Comening
The Comening the Comening the Comening the Comening the Comening the Comening the Comening the Comening, etc.