Season 6 Episodes
1. Dream Questline
Codex starts her dream job, but it starts off with her new boss making the employees mad at her.
2. New Party Members
Codex has her first company meeting, Clara gets a new houseguest and Vork plans a day with his lady.
3. Makeshift Solutions
Zaboo begins crafting his perfect partner, Clara makes a video and Codex gets an odd task and an access code.
4. Raid Timez
The Guild crashes Codex's workplace, Vork faces the uncomfortable facts of a real life relationship.
5. Strange Frenemies
Zaboo injects himself into the office and Codex learns more of Floyd's quirks.
6. Into the Breach
Tink and Zaboo venture into the private test server. Codex deals with yet another Guild interference at her work. Bladezz bonds with Wiggly.
7. Occupy HQ
Vork takes his protest to the Game HQ. Tink finds commonality with Donovan.
8. Dialogue Options
Codex steps into the game with Tink's help. Vork's attempt at culling Madeline's favor backfires.
9. The Case of the Game Leak
Codex tries to investigate the Game leak. Clara's vlogging has a surprising effect and Vork discovers the drawbacks of advocacy.
10. Tipping Points
Vork’s protest picks up steam as Controller Grrl and Black Knight raise the stakes. Codex attempts to talk Floyd down and Tink uncovers some unpleasant truths.
11. Raid HQ!
Codex and Zaboo try to leave Game HQ, but face complications as Vork's protest outside turns into a riot.
12. End Game
Floyd and the Game team weather the riot outside Game HQ as the Guildies work together to save the day.