Season 1 Plot
Peggy and her younger twin siblings, Mike and Nora, are living with a harsh aunt and uncle after their parents are thought to have been killed in a plane crash. In this first adventure, aided by Jack (a local orphan boy), they run away to live on a deserted island on a nearby lake. They build a house made with the branches of a willow tree, and bring a cow and some chickens across, to provide milk and eggs. They adapt well to life on the island. However, some day-trippers visit and nearly discover them. The local police are also still looking for them and Jack is almost caught when he goes ashore to sell produce at a local market.
The Enid Blyton Secret Series Season 1 aired on January 31st, 1998.
Season 1 Episodes
1. The Secret Island 1
Peggy, Mike and Laura are staying with their Nan while their dad is off exploring with a photographer named Charlotte. Their Nan dies so they are sent off to live with their horrid aunt and uncle where they have to do lots of chores.