Season 3 Episodes
1. The Day Henry Met... a Bowtie
Today Henry meets a bowtie from a tuxedo suit. Bowtie is sick of going to weddings and getting gravy stains down him all the time and dreams of the exciting glamorous life of a secret agent.
2. The Day Henry Met... a Bus
Henry is on holiday in London and meets a red bus. Bus has lots of tourists arriving for a tour of London but his bus driver has gotten stuck in traffic.
3. The Day Henry Met... a Surfboard
Henry meets a surfboard stuck upright in the sand at the beach. Surfboard has always wanted to surf the "Super Duper Giant Wave of Doom" which no one has ever surfed before.
4. The Day Henry Met... a BMX
Henry meets a BMX in a bike shop. BMX loves doing tricks for all the other bicycles in the bike shop but she has always dreamt of competing in the tour de France like the proper racing bikes, who tease her for doing childish tricks.
5. The Day Henry Met... a Helicopter
Henry meets a helicopter in a hanger at an airshow but helicopter is a little bored of flying people around the airfield. He's always wanted to be a rescue helicopter and help people in need.
6. The Day Henry Met... a Submarine
Henry meets a submarine dry docked at the harbour. Submarine wants to become a famous explorer and find the lost city of Atlantis but he hasn't got a submariner captain.
7. The Day Henry Met... a Baseball Bat
Henry meets a baseball bat in a sports shop but baseball Bat has never played in a championship game before and wishes to hit the ball out of the park.
8. The Day Henry Met... a Sheepdog
Today Henry meets a Border Collie sheep dog and learns what a sheep dog does and why shepherds use them. Oh no, the sheep pen has been left open by accident and all the sheep have escaped.
9. The Day Henry Met... a Cactus
Henry meets a cactus in a garden centre. Cactus' grandfather used to be a sheriff in the Wild West and always dreamt of following in his footsteps.
10. The Day Henry Met... an Elephant
Today Henry meets an old elephant at a safari park. Elephant teaches Henry about his family tree and that his great, great, great, great grandfather was a woolly mammoth and would have loved to have met him.
11. The Day Henry Met... a Lollipop
Henry becomes a crossing guard and helps all the kiddies across the road in time for school.
12. The Day Henry Met... an Arcade Machine
Henry meets an old retro arcade machine in a seaside arcade. Players are in short supply as no one wants to play an old retro arcade game like him anymore.
13. The Day Henry Met... Ballet Shoes
Today Henry meets a pair of ballet shoes at a dance rehearsal class. It's the night before the big ballet show and ballet shoes are practicing their newest most amazing dance moves.
14. The Day Henry Met... a Sink
Henry goes into the bathroom to wash his hands and meets a sink. Tap offers to wash Henry's hands but no water comes out of his spout. Oh no. If only there was a plumber around to help.
15. The Day Henry Met... a Trophy
Henry meets a trophy in trophy shop. Henry asks why trophy isn't in the trophy cabinet with all his friends, it turns out he is a trophy for the "Best Gymnast in the Whole Entire Universe".
16. The Day Henry Met... a Hot Air Balloon
Today Henry meets a hot air balloon at a summery country fair. Hot air balloon is tired of just going up and down all day and dreams of participating in a balloon race around the world that ends in Central Park, New York.
17. The Day Henry Met... a Bee
Henry meets a worker bee, outside its hive in a wildlife park. Bee needs to get lots and lots of honey ready for when the queen bee arrives on her annual honey inspection but all the other worker bees have buzzed off.
18. The Day Henry Met... a Compass
Henry meets a compass in a nautical history museum. Compass never got the chance to discover a new and exciting land because his ship was swallowed by a whale on it's maiden voyage and he was all that was washed up on the beach.
19. The Day Henry Met... a Box of Chocolates
Henry goes to a sweet shop to buy a box of chocolates for his mother. There he meets a box of chocolates. It turns out box of chocolates' chocolates were so tasty that someone has eaten them all.
20. The Day Henry Met... a Lamp
Henry meets an old dusty brass lamp in an antiques shop. Lamp wants to be a magic lamp and grant people wishes but he isn't magic like the lamps in the stories, if only there was a genie around to help.
21. The Day Henry Met... a Cookbook
Today Henry meets a cookbook. Cookbook is full of hundreds of delicious recipes but he is stuck on the book shelf with no chef around to cook the meals.
22. The Day Henry Met... a Pan
Henry meets a gold panning pan next to a creek. Pan would love to find gold but lately all he has found is "sand, sand, sand" Just once he would love to "hit pay dirt" and find some gold.
23. The Day Henry Met... an Easter Egg
Henry meets an Easter egg, Easter egg is super excited because it's Easter today but the Easter Bunny ate too many carrots and got a tummy ache. Oh no. Now there's no-one to decorate and hide all the Easter eggs in time for the Easter egg hunt.
24. The Day Henry Met... a Mannequin
Henry meets a mannequin in a shop window. Mannequin loves living in the shop window but he has always dreamed of becoming a super model and strutting his stuff on catwalks of Milan.
25. The Day Henry Met... a Brush
Henry visits the pet groomers with his pet dog. There he meets a brush. It's the day of the big pet show but the pet groomer had to go home as they were allergic to cats.
26. The Day Henry Met... a Bell
Henry meets a bell at the reception desk of a fancy hotel on the busiest day of the year but all the hotel staff have gone on holiday.