The Coronation Street Character Collection

The Coronation Street Character Collection Season 1: Episode Guide & Ratings

Season 1 Episodes

1. Bet Gilroy

December 1st, 1994

Bet always latched on to losers. She rented from Mike Baldwin and thought he would give her his house, but he threw her out. As a barmaid at the Rover's, Annie looked down on her until she met Alec Gilroy, a much older man. She was his arm candy and eventually they married. He left her and she became owner of the Rover's.

2. Ken Barlow

January 7th, 1995

Ken Barlow was a ladies man in his youth, but as he got older he became safe and educated and Deidre settled in with him until she realized he had no excitement to offer her.

3. Annie Walker

February 3rd, 1995

Annie Walker always thought she was above it all and her long suffering husband Jack was mates with everyone. Annie would dish out advice and her memories to anyone who would listen, and pass judgment on everyone who walked through the pub doors.

4. Elsie Tanner & Ena Sharples

March 3rd, 1995

If you ever wanted to see women battling in the street, this is it. Ena Sharples thought Elsie Tanner was a tart, and Elsie thought Ena was an interfering old bag.

5. Elsie Tanner & Len Fairclough

April 7th, 1995

Many residents of the street thought Len and Elsie were having an affair, but Elsie was having none of it. They were friends, but when Len got his divorce papers, he asked her to marry him. She refused and he married Rita, and they remained pals until the end.

6. Ena Sharples, Minnie Caldwell & Martha Longhurst

May 5th, 1995

These three pals cornered the best part of the pub. This is where the gossip started and usually ended with a fight on the other side of the bar. They made you laugh as Ena was the Alpha of the pack, and they all complied.

7. Emily Bishop & Mavis Wilton

June 2nd, 1995

Two spinsters who had their chances at love, but the men were all cads. Emily finally found love in Ernie Bishop and Mavis in Derek Wilton. Both men died and the women never remarried. They remained friends.

8. Alf & Audrey Roberts

July 7th, 1995

Audrey was flighty and a party girl. Alf was an honest and solid citizen. Audrey married Alf and got respectability and status, but grew to love him. He gave her the money to set up her hairdressing business, which she still has.

9. Rita Sullivan

August 4th, 1995

Rita was attracted to Len Fairclough, and married him. Len was on his way to a girlfriend's house when he was killed in a traffic accident. He left Rita everything, but when she knew the truth she was bitter. A series of men came her way, and not knowing, they married her for her money.

10. Stan & Hilda Ogden

September 1st, 1995

Hilda always wanted something better, and Stan could not give it. She settled for less and had three jobs, Stan had one. Her brother Archie died and left her money and Stan took her money to go to the pub. She really loved him and let it happen. They were dynamic together, Hilda was a gossip, and Stan was a pal to everyone. A lot of comedy between the two.

11. Alec Gilroy

October 6th, 1995

We follow Alec's life from his first appearance as the talent agent at the Grafitti Club, to his courtship and marriage to Bet Lynch/Gilroy, to his departure from the street.

12. Deirdre Barlow

November 3rd, 1995

Men have been fighting over Deirdre since she showed up. Ray Langton vs Billy Walker, Ken vs. Mike. In the end she chose Ken over Mike and remained with him till her death.

13. Gail Platt

December 1st, 1995

Gail married the town hunk but got the in-laws from hell. Her husband Brian Tilsley was murdered and she married Martin Platt. He ran off with a nurse from work and she married more times to men who were murderers, cheats and thieves.

14. Jack & Vera Duckworth

January 5th, 1996

The battling Duckworth's, adding the comedy relief. From Jack always trying to be smooth with the ladies, to Vera's big mouth getting her into trouble. Nothing ever worked out for them.

15. Ken Barlow & Mike Baldwin

February 2nd, 1996

Ken and Deirdre were married because she wanted stability for her daughter Tracy. It became clear that Mike Baldwin wanted Deirdre, and the rivalry of the century began.

16. Curly Watts

March 1st, 1996

Curly is the guy who never gets the girl. All the old folks love him and treat him like a son. Then he meets Raquel Woolstenhume at Bettabuys and his life changes forever.

17. The McDonalds

April 5th, 1996

They crashed onto the street, just like the Barnes. Liz and Jim had twin 16 year old boys. The first thing Steve did was steal a bulldozer and crash into Alf Roberts corner shop. He has been trouble ever since. Andy likes his books, and Steve likes causing trouble.

18. Reg Holdsworth

May 3rd, 1996

Reg is an over the top character. While his wife Patricia is in New Zealand, he chases Rita. When his wife returns and wants a divorce, he chases Maureen. His work with Curly at Bettabuys is some of the best comedy you will ever see.

19. Raquel Watts

June 7th, 1996

All the married men were attracted to Raquel, she was beautiful, but a bit dim witted. She fell for every man that was nice to her. She worked with Curly at Bettabuys and he fell in love with her. He convinced her that he would never cheat on her and he didn't.

20. Des Barnes

July 5th, 1996

Des and Steph Barnes landed on the street with a bang. They battled each other and the neighbours, especially Mavis and Derek Wilton. They were so jealous of each other, they accused anyone that was looking at them of having an affair with their spouse.