Season 3 Plot
The third season of the animated television series, The Boondocks originally aired in the United States on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. Season three started on May 2, 2010 with "It's a Black President, Huey Freeman" and ended with "It's Goin Down" on August 15, 2010 with a total of fifteen episodes. All fifteen episodes from season three were released completely uncensored on a three-disc DVD set in the United States on November 9, 2010. In addition all episodes from season three are available on iTunes.
The Boondocks Season 3 aired on May 2nd, 2010.
Season 3 Episodes
1. It's a Black President, Huey Freeman
The Freemans are filmed for a German documentary about the 2008 election of Barack Obama in the Season 3 premiere.
2. Bitches to Rags
When his new album tanks, Thugnificent is faced with the horror of getting a real job.
3. The Red Ball
Kickball legend Huey Freeman returns after a self-imposed exile from the game.
4. The Story of Jimmy Rebel
Uncle Ruckus has long idolized Jimmy Rebel, a popular racist country singer based on the infamous Johnny Reb, a.k.a. Pee Wee Trahan. So much did Jimmy Rebel's music influence him that he eventually sends off recordings of his own racist tunes to the man, and is faced with a dilemma when Jimmy shows up on his doorstep. Uncle Ruckus' legendary status as a black-hating racist thus runs up against the slight problem of his negritude.
5. Stinkmeaner 3: The Hateocracy
The Freemans are in trouble when Stinkmeaner's gang decide to come after them in retaliation for his death
6. Smokin with Cigarettes
Riley becomes friends with a sociopathic boy named Lamilton, who wants to do nothing more than hurt people, cause mayhem, and smoke cigarettes.
7. The Fundraiser
Riley organizes a fundraiser with Cindy McPhearson and other kids from Woodcrest.
8. Pause
Granddad is cast as the leading man by mega-superstar of stage and screen, Winston Jerome. But when the theater group turns out to be a homoerotic evangelical cult, it's up to Huey and Riley to put a pause to it.
9. A Date with the Booty Warrior
Having conquered his fear of prison rape, Tom volunteers to lead Huey, Riley, and some classmates on a trip to jail as part of a Scared Stiff program. But when a riot breaks out, Tom has to get the kids, and his delicate backside, out of jail in one piece.
10. The Story of Lando Freeman
There's a new handyman in the neighborhood undercutting Uncle Ruckus... which is all good for Granddad and his garden until the man claims to be his long lost son, Lando. Will Granddad take responsibility and be a father to his child? Not without a talk show paternity test.
11. Lovely Ebony Brown
Grandad meets a young black woman who asks him out on a date, and the only person who can spoil Grandad's new romance, is Grandad.
12. Mr. Medicinal
After a checkup, a doctor warns Granddad that he could die any day if he doesn't get his stress levels down. Not wanting to become dependent on pills, he decides to take Thugnificent's suggestion and turns to marijuana.
13. The Fried Chicken Flu
When a chicken franchise run out of its newest recipe introduction, things go from bad to worse when a viral outbreak is linked to the same chicken. Thankfully, Huey has prepared a survival outline in just such an emergency, but it's all threatened when no one can seem to stick to the simple plan.
14. The Color Ruckus
On a final visit to Woodcrest, Ruckus's terminally ill Nana wants to die in Robert Freeman's house.
15. It's Goin' Down
A terror attack near Woodcrest is imminent, and retired domestic terrorist Huey Freeman is the main suspect. With super-agent Jack Flowers on his tail and Ed and Rummy on the loose, can anyone save the day?