The Benny Hill Show

The Benny Hill Show Season 7

TV Show

Season 7 Episodes

1. Jack and Jill

December 17th, 19751 hr

1.Benny Quickie: Don't Jump! 2.Another Host of Your Favourite Stars! 3.Benny's Ballad: Lulubelle 4.Pearl Plain Shopping Centre 5.Is There Anything In It? Fred Scuttle: The Mind Reader 6.Benny Quickie: Just Raped! 7.Some Quickies on The Dance Floor 8.Jack Jill: Variations on a Theme 9.Benny's Mexican Cabaret 10.Benny Quickie: Dribble's Sights of London Tour 11.The New Vicar: A Monologue 12.Benny Quickies: Too Late! 13.Dilys Watling: That Ain't No Way to Treat A Lady 14.El Paso 15.Closing: Sports Day

2. World of Sport

February 18th, 19761 hr

1.Benny Quickie: Your Own Food! 2.Guest Stars 3.Benny's Ballad: Jake 4.World Of Sport 5.Benny Jackie as Luke Tinker 6.Benny Quickie: Fly Spray? 7.Fatricia Feter: The Pinal Foem of Faul Pinch 8.Benny Quickie: A Limerick 9.Some More Quickies on The Dance Floor 10.Strangers in The Night 11.Benny Quickie: Bus Stop 12.Benny Introduces Love Machine 13.Benny Quickies: Misunderstandings! 14.Transistor Radio 15.Closing: Bill Poster

3. Murder on the Oregon Express

March 24th, 19761 hr

1.More Guest Stars 2.Benny Brenda Arnau: Native Song of Luana 3.Domestic Bliss! 4.Captain Fred Scuttle Space Ace 5.Henry McGee Cooks Chinese With Fanee Jonee Claddock 6.Brenda Arnau: Tell It Like It Is 7.Murder On The Oregon Express 8.The Lower Tidmarsh Fire Brigade Glee Singers 9.The Misadventures of Robin Hood 10.Closing: Benny's Snuff Box

4. Sale of the Half-Century

April 21st, 19761 hr

1.Benny's Ballad: So Many Girls 2.Humphrey Bumphrey: Continuity Announcer 3.Sale Of The Half Century 4.Getting To Know You 5.Eddie Buchanan Love Machine: Dancing In The Nude 6.Paul Eddington Asks: "Is There Anything In It?" 7.Benny Quickie: This Just Ain't Your Day 8.Biology With Bellamy 9.Supersonic 10.Closing: German Department Store

All Seasons

Season 19

Season 19

Feb 8, 1989
Season 18

Season 18

Jan 13, 1988
Season 17

Season 17

Mar 12, 1986
Season 16

Season 16

Jan 2, 1985
Season 15

Season 15

Jan 16, 1984
Season 14

Season 14

Jan 5, 1983
Season 13

Season 13

Jan 6, 1982
Season 12

Season 12

Jan 7, 1981
Season 11

Season 11

Feb 6, 1980
Season 10

Season 10

Dec 26, 1978
Season 9

Season 9

May 30, 1978
Season 8

Season 8

Jan 26, 1977
Season 7

Season 7

Dec 17, 1975
Season 6

Season 6

Jan 8, 1975
Season 5

Season 5

Dec 5, 1973
Season 4

Season 4

Oct 25, 1972
Season 3

Season 3

Nov 24, 1971
Season 2

Season 2

Oct 28, 1970
Season 1

Season 1

Nov 19, 1969