Season 2 Plot
In 1970 the SAS developed the 'Green' (war-insertion) skills of free-falling, water operations, and vehicle-mounted operations. When terrorism became an international threat, the SAS raised Australia's first Counter-Terrorist (CT), or 'Black' force. In the long peace after Vietnam the SAS eagerly looked for work and diversified its skills by conducting many niche missions. But as its creative flair waned in the 1990s, it reinvented itself as a postmodern organisation.
The Australian SAS: The Untold History Season 2 aired on September 3rd, 2015.
Season 2 Episodes
1. Part 5: The Black and the Green
When global terrorism mushrooms, Australia turns to the SASR "Black" role of Counter-terrorism (CT). This gives the regiment a future. But the "Green War" roles of free falling, driving and motorised patrols are preserved and perfected.
2. Part 6: The Search for Meaning
As the novelty of CT wears off, SASR finds other outlets for its talents--training foreign forces in the Philippines, and conducting small peace-keeping operations in Somalia, Rwanda, Bougainville, Cambodia and the Solomons.
3. Part 7: The Postmodern Regiment
After the collapse of the USSR, the Regiment faces a challenge from within--it has lost much of its vital unconventionality. But as it rallies to become truly flexible and postmodern, disaster intervenes when two CT Black Hawk helicopters collide and crash in flames.