The Astronut Show (1964)

Scripted TV Show
The Astronut Show
The Astronut Show was a syndicated animated television series produced by the Terrytoons animation studio. It first aired on August 23, 1965. Each episode included an episode of Astronut and Luno The White Stallion, plus another cartoon from the Terrytoons stable. Astronut first appeared on the Deputy Dawg series. He was a friendly alien who frequently got into mischief on Earth. He had a human friend called Oscar Mild. The series was directed by Art Bartsch, Bob Kuwahara, Connie Rasinski, and David Tendlar. The writers were Larz Bourne, Glan Heish, Tom Morrison, and Bob Ogle. Voices were provided by Dayton Allen and Bob McFadden.

TV Show Details

Air Date:April 30th, 1964

Last Air Date:October 22nd, 1964



Original Language:English
Production Companies:Terrytoons