Season 1 Plot
The typical episode usually begins with the duo's arch-nemesis Bighead, a criminal mastermind with an abnormally large cranium. Bighead is usually briefing his henchmen on a plot for some grandiose plan for world domination, interrupted by a debate as to whether or not Ace and Gary (The Ambiguously Gay Duo) are gay. Once the crime is in process, the police commissioner calls on the superheroes to save the day, often engaging in similar debates with the chief of police.
The Ambiguously Gay Duo Season 1 aired on September 27th, 1996.
Season 1 Episodes
1. It Takes Two To Tango
Ace and Gary foil Bighead's plan to take over Metroville.
2. Queen of Terror
Ace and Gary stop Bighead and Queen Serena's evil scheme.
3. Don We Now... Or Never
Santa Claus has been kidnapped by aliens, and the Duo must save him.
4. Safety Tips
Ace and Gary demonstrate bicycle and home safety tips for local kids.
5. Blow Hot, Blow Cold
The Duo battles Dr. Brainio and Bighead's ice monster creation.
6. A Hard One to Swallow
Ace and Gary question their origins as superheroes and why everybody regards them strangely at the Fortress of Privacy.
7. Ace & Gary's Fan Club
Ace and Gary are oblivious to the suggestiveness in letters from their fans, who are mostly criminal convicts.
8. AmbiguoBoys
Even before they were the Ambiguously Gay Duo, teenagers Ace and Gary fought evil. This episode shows that Bighead was in their class, and he is determined to win his classmates' respect and "out" the duo. When he reanimates and enlarges a giant frog, the AmbiguoBoys must stop him.
9. Trouble Coming Twice
Ace and Gary battle Bighead's evil schemes at the NBA Finals.
10. The Third Leg of Justice
Bighead is at it again, and redecorates his lair in another attempt to out Gary and Ace. The Duo is assisted by former GE chairman, and superhero, Jack Welch.
11. First Served, First Come
Bighead enlists a Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport undercover policeman at a BBQ he orchestrates to out Ace and Gary, with surprising results.
12. The Dark, Clenched Hole of Evil
Bighead and his henchmen blast Ace and Gary with a flesh ray, transforming them from animated characters to live-action ones, in which they are portrayed by Jon Hamm and Jimmy Fallon, respectively. The gun malfunctions and "unanimates" everyone, with Ed Helms playing Half-Scary, a Two-Face-like henchman, Fred Armisen as Lizardo, Stephen Colbert as Dr. Brainio, and Steve Carell as Bighead.