Watch 'The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police' Season 1 Online

Season 1 Episodes
1. The Thing That Wouldn't Stop It
The Geek calls in Sam & Max to deal with a problem that the refrigerator repairmen cannot handle.
2. The Second Show Ever
It's Career day at school and Sam and Max show up to join in the fun!
3. Max's Big Day
A tribe believes Max to be their chosen one, and make him their king.
4. Bad Day on the Moon
The mayor of the Moon asks Sam & Max to investigate the disappearance of some of its local inhabitants.
5. They Came from Down There
Sam & Max set out to investigate the en masse disappearances from Bo-hunk Lagoon.
6. The Friend for Life
Hero worship is taken to a dangerous height when ""Lorne"", Sam and Max's greatest fan, starts getting just a little too close for comfort. Lorne's overzealousness results in chaos for the duo's crime fighting efforts, and almost in their personal demise!
7. Dysfunction of the Gods
Sam & Max take the role of freelance marriage counselors to the gods, but failure will result in the duo being turned into geriatrics.
8. Big Trouble at the Earth's Core
Sam & Max travel 60 miles beneath the Earth's surface to investigate what is causing an increase in the temperature of Earth's core.
9. A Glitch in Time
Sam and Max get a magical watch. When they use it, they get transported to different times.
10. That Darn Gator
Sam & Max have trouble handling an alligator.
11. We Drop at Dawn
Sam and Max go on a top secret and dangerous mission to. . . . . . . . . . . . . find the commissioner's lost keys?
12. Christmas, Bloody Christmas
While visiting Sam's Granny on Christmas Eve, Sam and Max go on an impromptu visit to her former place of employment to bring the joy of the season to some of the shut-ins. Well, actually, the ""cage-ins"", as Granny turns out to be the retired warden for the Blood Island Correctional Institute, home for society's most hardened criminals.
13. It's Dangly Deever Time
Sam and Max fiddle with an experimental television set in The Sub-Basement of Solitude, and disaster results. This TV only receives signals of long forgotten programs, including an old childrens show from the '50s hosted by a marionette named Dangly Deever.
14. AAIIIEEE, Robot!
Sam and Max are not happy when the Geek comes to dismantle the The MEGAMAX 3000, a giant Max-shaped robot seems to have outlived it's usefulness to the crime fighting duo. What can they do to save it from rusting in the street?
15. The Glazed McGuffin Affair
A casual trip to the supermarket turns into a nightmare for Sam and Max when they learn that their most favoritest snack food ever, Glazed McGuffins, have been banned for sale by the government!
16. The Tell Tale Tail
Sam & Max tell the tale of Max's tail being reanimated.
17. The Trouble with Gary
Sam & Max help Gary with anger management.
18. Tonight We Love
St. Valentine's Day has become a traditional day of celebration for Sam and Max as they rejoice in the fact that they have absolutely no romantic commitments, responsibilities, or inclinations!
19. The Invaders
Two Tiny aliens bent on destroying Sam and Max show up at Sam and Max's door, and they just won't stop!
20. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Sam & Max are entrusted with the care of a micro chip that evil minions are trying to seize.
21. Little Bigfoot
Sam & Max try to set free a little bigfoot and return him to his own kind.
22. Fools Die on Friday
A distress call from the commissioner sends Sam and Max into a perilous rescue mission of a hijacked dirigible high above New York City. The question of course is are the passengers in more danger from the Crazed Madman at the helm of the zeppelin, or from their Freelance Rescuers From Down Under.
23. Sam & Max vs. the Uglions
Uglions have landed at Grover's Mill. What could they want?
24. The Final Episode
Nearly every villan from the series' short run collaborate to finally destory Sam & Max. Somehow their evil plot involves tying Sam & Max up in the cockpit of a jet, and numerous flashbacks to the TV series, comics, and some totally fake, eerily corny flashbacks that somebody made up.