Watch 'The 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments of All Time' Season 1 Online

Season 1 Episodes
1. 101-88
The countdown begins with modern masterpieces and classic fright films from around the world.
2. 88-76
Thirteen more iconic moments of fear drawn from the most frightening films ever made, celebrated and dissected by a ghoul's gallery of horror pros.
3. 75-63
Thirteen films spanning a century of horror prove that a good scare is timeless.
4. 62-50
Thirteen iconic horror moments, featuring werewolves, patchwork men, blood-sucking murder balls, and two Stephen King classics.
5. 49-37
Thirteen more iconic scenes from the most frightening films ever made, directed by the greatest names in the genre.
6. 36-24
Thirteen more terrifying journeys into fear, featuring found footage, twisted torture, creepy kids, and ghastly ghosts.
7. 23-11
The penultimate episode spotlights vengeful prom queens, creative kills, zombies galore, and the greatest jump scare put on film.
8. The Top Ten
The top ten most iconic moments in horror movie history are revealed.