Season 3 Plot
In the third installment of the anthology series Terror Lake Drive, a Georgia family mysteriously inherits a luxury property home on Lake Levi, the grounds previously known as (the haunted) Freeman Lakes.
Terror Lake Drive Season 3 aired on November 15th, 2023.
Season 3 Episodes
1. The Purge
In the third installment of the Anthology series Terror Lake Drive, a Georgia family mysteriously inherits a luxury property home on Lake Levi, the grounds previously known as (the haunted) Freeman Lakes.
2. Get Out
The Duvernay family arrives at Lake Levi; Janice gets a history lesson about the resort's troubled past.
3. Thicker Than Water
Janice meets a familiar ally; Chee Chee goes missing; Jacob is summoned.
4. Marshall's Law
Lake Levi goes into lockdown.
5. Don't Kill the Messenger
Hendrix lands himself in huge trouble; Sarah tries to aid a friend; Infant Medium gets woke; Thaddeus makes a sacrificial play.
6. Ben
We catch a glimpse into Ben's childhood; divisions arise among the Duvernay family members; Janice is advised to flee Lake Levi.
7. Last Will Be First
Janice and her children discover their purpose.