Season 1 Episodes
1. Pedro e Gonçalo morrem
June 18th, 20061 hr
2. Maria Laurinda visita Fátima
June 19th, 20061 hr
3. Raquel chega a Portugal
June 20th, 20061 hr
4. Maria Laurinda é quase desmascarada
June 21st, 20061 hr
5. Fernando e Inês chegam de Madrid
June 22nd, 20061 hr
6. Bernardo e Helena reencontram-se
June 23rd, 20061 hr
7. Raquel interrompe a festa
June 26th, 20061 hr
8. Fausto ameaça sair de casa
June 27th, 20061 hr
9. "Laura" janta com a família de Afonso
June 28th, 20061 hr
10. Fátima sai finalmente da prisão...
June 29th, 20061 hr
11. Fátima vai à mansão dos Martins de Mello
June 30th, 20061 hr
12. Fátima faz chantagem com Maria Laurinda
July 3rd, 20061 hr
13. Fárima quer dar uma lição de vida à filha
July 4th, 20061 hr
14. Tomás quer entrar para um seminário
July 5th, 20061 hr
15. Rita avisa a Maria Laurinda
July 6th, 20061 hr
16. Sebastião não quer Hugo a durmir no quarto dos pais
July 7th, 20061 hr
17. Afonso encontra Bárbara caída no chão, desmaiada
July 10th, 20061 hr
18. Fátima é despedida
July 11th, 20061 hr
19. Artur vai a casa de Fátima e acabam a discutir
July 12th, 20061 hr
20. Maria Laurinda aceita o anel de noivado de Carolina
July 13th, 20061 hr
21. Maria Laurinda acha que Fernando tem uma amante
July 14th, 20061 hr
22. Chico conta que Hugo consegue ver o futuro
July 17th, 20061 hr
23. Fátima pede demissão
July 18th, 20061 hr
24. Bruno encontra-se com Afonso...
July 19th, 20061 hr
25. Bárbara acusa Fátima de roubo
July 20th, 20061 hr
26. Episode 26
July 21st, 20061 hr
27. Bernardo convida Rita para jantar
July 24th, 20061 hr
28. Fátima deixa Maria Laurinda em pânico
July 25th, 20061 hr
29. Fátima faz um ultimato a maria Laurinda
July 26th, 20061 hr
30. Rita recusa ajudar Maria Laurinda
July 27th, 20061 hr
31. Maria Laurinda fica furiosa com Bruno...
July 28th, 20061 hr
32. Afonso fica a conhecer a verdadeira família de Laura...
July 31st, 20061 hr
33. Bernando conta a verdade sobre "Laura" aos pais
August 1st, 20061 hr
34. Rita decide não contar a verdade a Fátima
August 2nd, 20061 hr
35. Artur discute com Rita por causa de Bernardo
August 3rd, 20061 hr
36. Fátima conta a Madalena acerca da visão de Hugo
August 4th, 20061 hr
37. Bernardo conta a Antónia quem é a amante de Fernando
August 7th, 20061 hr
38. Bárbara tenta suicidar-se...
July 8th, 20061 hr
39. Bárbara muda-se para a casa de Fausto
August 9th, 20061 hr
40. Fátima discute com Fernando
August 10th, 20061 hr
41. Helena visita Bernardo...
August 11th, 20061 hr
42. Antónia ameaça Clara
August 14th, 20061 hr
43. Helena quer contar a verdade a Bernardo
August 15th, 20061 hr
44. Teresa fica em pânico com o resultado das análises...
August 17th, 20061 hr
45. Bruno regressa a Portugal
August 16th, 20061 hr
46. Rita conta a Fátima o segredo de Teresa
August 18th, 20061 hr
47. Tomás cai durante uma escalada...
August 21st, 20061 hr
48. Teresa conta a verdade a Sara
August 22nd, 20061 hr
49. Tomás e Daniela beijam-se
August 23rd, 20061 hr
50. Helena seduz Fausto
August 24th, 20061 hr
51. Hugo volta a ter uma visão
August 25th, 20061 hr
52. Maria Laurinda conta a verdade a Artur
August 29th, 20061 hr
53. Maria Laurinda conta a verdade a Artur
August 30th, 20061 hr
54. Fátima desiste do negócio com Bráulio
August 31st, 20061 hr
55. Sebastião beija Raquel
September 1st, 20061 hr
56. Fernando volta para casa...
September 4th, 20061 hr
57. Fátima e Fernando desistem da relação
September 5th, 20061 hr
58. Fátima muda de visual
September 6th, 20061 hr
59. Afonso tem cancro...
September 7th, 20061 hr
60. Mónica chantageia Fausto
September 8th, 20061 hr
61. Afonso aparece na festa de Fátima
September 11th, 20061 hr
62. Sebastião pede o divórcio
September 12th, 20061 hr
63. Fátima convida Sara para trabalhar consigo
September 13th, 20061 hr
64. Teresa morre...
September 14th, 20061 hr
65. A visão de Hugo concretiza-se
September 15th, 20061 hr
66. Episode 66
September 18th, 20061 hr
67. Bernardo e Rita marcam encontro com um casal de swingers...
September 19th, 20061 hr
68. Episode 68
September 20th, 20061 hr
69. Fausto conta a Felipe que tem uma amante
September 21st, 20061 hr
70. Bárbara e Fátima cruzam-se na Martins de Mello...
September 22nd, 20061 hr
71. Episode 71
September 25th, 20061 hr
72. Afonso aconselha Maria Laurinda a fazer as malas...
September 26th, 20061 hr
73. Raquel descobre a verdadeira ocupação profissional de Beatriz
September 27th, 20061 hr
74. Episode 74
September 28th, 20061 hr
75. Raquel agride Maria Laurinda
September 29th, 20061 hr
76. Episode 76
September 30th, 20061 hr
77. Bráulio quer mudar de visual
October 2nd, 20061 hr
78. Inês manipula Raquel
October 3rd, 20061 hr
79. Episode 79
October 4th, 20061 hr
80. Bráulio oferece uma jóia a Fátima
October 5th, 20061 hr
81. Episode 81
October 6th, 20061 hr
82. Fernando beija Fátima!
October 7th, 20061 hr
83. Afonso desaparece...
October 10th, 20061 hr
84. Episode 84
October 11th, 20061 hr
85. Gonçalo está vivo!
October 12th, 20061 hr
86. Episode 86
October 13th, 20061 hr
87. Bráulio revela a Célia que ainda é virgem...
October 16th, 20061 hr
88. Gonçalo faz uma proposta a Raquel
October 17th, 20061 hr
89. Episode 89
October 18th, 20061 hr
90. Fátima chora por Maria Laurinda
October 19th, 20061 hr
91. Fátima chora por Maria Laurinda
October 20th, 20061 hr
92. Fátima perdoa Maria Laurinda
October 23rd, 20061 hr
93. Raquel segue Bruno
October 24th, 20061 hr
94. Bernardo comunica que vai morar com Rita
October 25th, 20061 hr
95. Maria Laurinda recebe mais uma ameaça de morte
October 26th, 20061 hr
96. Fátima e Bráulio fazem amor
October 27th, 20061 hr
97. Maria Laurinda ameaça Bruno
October 29th, 20061 hr
98. Episode 98
October 31st, 20061 hr
99. Fausto sai da empresa
November 1st, 20061 hr
100. Episode 100
November 2nd, 20061 hr
101. Artur beija Madalena
November 3rd, 20061 hr
102. Gonçalo declara-se a Raquel
November 6th, 20061 hr
103. Fausto pede a Bernardo para voltar para casa
November 7th, 20061 hr
104. Gonçalo enfrenta Fausto por causa de Raquel
November 8th, 20061 hr
105. Episode 105
November 9th, 20061 hr
106. Episode 106
November 10th, 20061 hr
107. Episode 107
November 13th, 20061 hr
108. Episode 108
November 14th, 20061 hr
109. Episode 109
November 15th, 20061 hr
110. Episode 110
November 16th, 20061 hr
111. Episode 111
November 17th, 20061 hr
112. Episode 112
November 20th, 20061 hr
113. Episode 113
November 21st, 20061 hr
114. Episode 114
November 22nd, 20061 hr
115. Episode 115
November 23rd, 20061 hr
116. Episode 116
November 24th, 20061 hr
117. Episode 117
November 27th, 20061 hr
118. Episode 118
November 28th, 20061 hr
119. Episode 119
November 29th, 20061 hr
120. Episode 120
November 30th, 20061 hr
121. Episode 121
December 1st, 20061 hr
122. Episode 122
December 4th, 20061 hr
123. Episode 123
December 5th, 20061 hr
124. Episode 124
December 6th, 20061 hr
125. Episode 125
December 7th, 20061 hr
126. Episode 126
December 8th, 20061 hr
127. Episode 127
December 11th, 20061 hr
128. Episode 128
December 12th, 20061 hr
129. Episode 129
December 13th, 20061 hr
130. Episode 130
December 14th, 20061 hr
131. Episode 131
December 15th, 20061 hr
132. Episode 132
December 18th, 20061 hr
133. Episode 133
December 19th, 20061 hr
134. Episode 134
December 20th, 20061 hr
135. Episode 135
December 21st, 20061 hr
136. Episode 136
December 22nd, 20061 hr
137. Episode 137
December 26th, 20061 hr
138. Episode 138
December 27th, 20061 hr
139. Episode 139
December 28th, 20061 hr
140. Episode 140
December 29th, 20061 hr
141. Episode 141
January 1st, 20071 hr
142. Episode 142
January 2nd, 20071 hr
143. Episode 143
January 3rd, 20071 hr
144. Episode 144
January 4th, 20071 hr
145. Episode 145
January 5th, 20071 hr
146. Episode 146
January 8th, 20071 hr
147. Episode 147
January 9th, 20071 hr
148. Episode 148
January 10th, 20071 hr
149. Episode 149
January 11th, 20071 hr
150. Episode 150
January 12th, 20071 hr
151. Episode 151
January 15th, 20071 hr
152. Episode 152
January 16th, 20071 hr
153. Episode 153
January 17th, 20071 hr
154. Episode 154
January 18th, 20071 hr
155. Episode 155
January 19th, 20071 hr
156. Episode 156
January 22nd, 20071 hr
157. Episode 157
January 23rd, 20071 hr
158. Episode 158
January 24th, 20071 hr
159. Episode 159
January 25th, 20071 hr
160. Episode 160
January 26th, 20071 hr
161. Episode 161
January 29th, 20071 hr
162. Episode 162
January 30th, 20071 hr
163. Episode 163
January 31st, 20071 hr
164. Episode 164
February 1st, 20071 hr
165. Episode 165
February 2nd, 20071 hr
166. Episode 166
February 3rd, 20071 hr
167. Episode 167
February 5th, 20071 hr
168. Episode 168
February 6th, 20071 hr
169. Episode 169
February 7th, 20071 hr
170. Episode 170
February 8th, 20071 hr
171. Episode 171
February 9th, 20071 hr
172. Episode 172
February 10th, 20071 hr
173. Episode 173
February 12th, 20071 hr
174. Episode 174
February 13th, 20071 hr
175. Episode 175
February 14th, 20071 hr
176. Episode 176
February 15th, 20071 hr
177. Episode 177
February 16th, 20071 hr
178. Episode 178
February 17th, 20071 hr
179. Episode 179
February 19th, 20071 hr
180. Episode 180
February 20th, 20071 hr
181. Episode 181
February 21st, 20071 hr
182. Episode 182
February 22nd, 20071 hr
183. Episode 183
February 23rd, 20071 hr
184. Episode 184
February 24th, 20071 hr
185. Episode 185
February 26th, 20071 hr
186. Episode 186
February 27th, 20071 hr
187. Episode 187
February 28th, 20071 hr
188. Episode 188
March 1st, 20071 hr
189. Episode 189
March 2nd, 20071 hr
190. Episode 190
March 3rd, 20071 hr
191. Episode 191
March 5th, 20071 hr
192. Episode 192
March 6th, 20071 hr
193. Episode 193
March 7th, 20071 hr
194. Episode 194
March 8th, 20071 hr
195. Episode 195
March 9th, 20071 hr
196. Episode 196
March 10th, 20071 hr
197. Episode 197
March 12th, 20071 hr
198. Episode 198
March 13th, 20071 hr
199. Episode 199
March 14th, 20071 hr
200. Episode 200
March 15th, 20071 hr
201. Episode 201
March 16th, 20071 hr
202. Episode 202
March 17th, 20071 hr
203. Episode 203
March 19th, 20071 hr
204. Episode 204
March 20th, 20071 hr
205. Episode 205
March 21st, 20071 hr
206. Episode 206
March 22nd, 20071 hr
207. Episode 207
March 23rd, 20071 hr
208. Episode 208
March 24th, 20071 hr
209. Episode 209
March 27th, 20071 hr
210. Episode 210
March 28th, 20071 hr
211. Episode 211
March 29th, 20071 hr
212. Episode 212
March 30th, 20071 hr
213. Episode 213
March 31st, 20071 hr
Movie and TV Reviews
‘You’re Cordially Invited’ is a Chaotic Battle of Wedding Parties. Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon...
‘Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ is a Fresh, Youthful and Entertaining Animated Spidey Series....
‘Paradise’: Sterling K. Brown Anchors a Presidential Murder Mystery With Aplomb. ‘This Is Us’...
‘Dog Man’ Brings a New Hero to Life Who Will Appeal to Kids. The new DreamWorks Animation is the...
‘The Room Next Door’ Has Good Performances But is a Disappointing Affair. The English-language debut...
‘Unstoppable’ Tells an Inspirational Sports Story in Fairly Rote Fashion Besides its Two Leads. Jharrel...
‘Presence’ is a Gimmicky, Undernourished Supernatural Thriller from Director Steven Soderbergh. The...
‘Star Trek: Section 31’ Sees Michelle Yeoh Leading an Impossible Mission in Space. Yeoh’s alternate...
Clever ‘Companion’ Offers Sharp Blend of Social Satire and Sci-Fi Shocks. Director and writer Drew...