Talk to Me

Talk to Me Season 1: Episode Guide & Ratings

Season 1 Episodes

1. The Wedding

June 10th, 20071 hr

It's a week before Claire and Woody's wedding. Everything is getting on top of Claire - it's her first day back at work and she is dropping off her baby at the childminders. Thankfully her boss, Harry is pleased to have her back, but he can see she's not coping. To add to things - Claire's best friend, Ally has been dumped by Woody's best friend,

2. The Hen Night

June 17th, 20071 hr

The hen-night Mitch has to face Woody at work. He's shocked to discover that the wedding is back on. He can't help himself - he has to see Claire. Woody and Mitch interrupt Claire's low-key hen's night. Guilt is written all over her face on his arrival. The day after Claire's dad is in hospital and her guilt is all-consuming - anxiety about the wedding grows

3. The Honeymoon

June 24th, 20071 hr

The honeymoon is over Mitch decides to move on with his life. He starts to date Cassie who has stood in as producer, while Woody is away. And surprisingly they get on. Woody and Claire return from their honeymoon. It wasn't that great. Kelly has started an affair with Aaron. She tells Claire about the affair - but not about him being a student.

4. The Funeral

July 1st, 20071 hr

The funeral It’s Claire’s dad’s funeral and all her friends are there. Woody is being super supportive which only exacerbates Claire’s guilt. Mitch watches her and is sad he can’t comfort her. She won’t look at him.Mitch, unable to deal with it, leaves and misses the wake. His phobia of grief comes into play – this is in stark contrast to Woody.