
Swaraj Season 5: Episode Guide & Ratings

Season 5 Plot

Swaraj is a docu-drama series that celebrates 75 years of Indian independence. It features the lives and sacrifices of lesser-known heroes of the freedom struggle. The show bring to life the stories of unsung heroes who sacrificed and fought for India over 450 years of freedom struggle but remain unheard and unknown to this day despite their untold sacrifices.

Swaraj Season 5 aired on May 20th, 2024.

Season 5 Episodes

1. Episode 1

May 20th, 2024

Rani Avanti Bai was the queen of Ramgarh. She stood against the East India Company after her husband Vikramajit died suffering from a mental illness. She got help from different rulers like Raja Shankarshah to fight against the East India Company but when she realized that the company was too strong for her army she killed herself in the battlefield to avoid her army getting killed.

2. Episode 2

May 27th, 2024

Vasudev Balwant Phadke was an Indian activist who fought for Indian independence. He stood up for the farming community and his only aim was Swaraj. He spread messages and lessons to fight against the British but he was soon caught and sent to Aden Jail in Yemen. He tried to escape the prison but he was recaptured. Phadke went on a hunger strike and soon he died in Aden Jail Yemen.

3. Episode 3

June 3rd, 2024

Damodar Hari Chapekar Balkrishna Chapekar and Vasudev Chapekar were Indian revolutionaries who fought against the assassination of British Plague Commissioner W.C. Rand. They alongwith Mahadev Ranade formed Chapekar Club where they plotted their entire plan to execute the killing of W.C. Rand. After the assassination of Rand the Chapekar Brothers and Ranade were caught and hanged until death.

4. Episode 4

June 10th, 2024

Rani Gaidinliu was a religious leader who was known for a revolt against British rule in India. She joined the Heraka religious movement with her cousin Jadonang. She went against the British and took over the moment after the Britishers hanged Jadonang. She was arrested at an early age of 16. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru soon released her from the jail in the year 1947 after independence.

5. Episode 5

June 17th, 2024

Bhupendranath Dutt was an Indian communist who was associated with the Jugantar movement with Aurobindo Ghosh and Barin Ghosh. He was the younger brother of Swami Vivekananda. He visited the US and Germany to gain knowledge about the Indo German Conspiracy and help India gain freedom.

6. Episode 6

June 24th, 2024

Sister Nivedita was born in Ireland with the name of Margaret. She was the disciple of Swami Vivekananda and she moved to India to follow the footsteps of Swami Vivekananda and achieve salvation through Brahma. Swami Vivekananda gave her the name of Nivedita after she moved to Calcutta. After the death of Swami Vivekanand she continued to help the poor and was keen on achieving freedom for India.

7. Episode 7

July 1st, 2024

Barin Ghosh was an Indian revolutionary and founding members of Jugantar. He was the younger brother of Aurobindo Ghosh. Barin Ghosh was involved in the Alipore Bomb Case where Khudiram and Prafulla attempted to kill Kingsford. They were arrested and brutally tortured in the Cellular jail. Barin was released from Cellular jail and was associated with The Statesman while India attained freedom.

8. Episode 8

July 8th, 2024

Kanhailal and Satyendranath were an Indian revolutionary who belonged to the Jugantar group with Aurobindo Ghosh and Barin Ghosh. They were mainly known for the assassination of Narendranath Goswami who went against the Jugantar group and helped the Britishers gain some information about the group. They also played an important role in the Alipore Bomb Case.

9. Episode 9

July 15th, 2024

Shyamji Krishna Varma was an Indian revolutionary who played an important role in the Indian freedom struggle. He was the founder of Indian home rule society India House and the Indian sociologist in London. He gathered a group of people for the revolution in India. He died in Geneva Switzerland. His and his wife's ashes were brought back to India in the year 2003.

10. Episode 10

July 22nd, 2024

Bhikaji Cama was an Indian revolutionary who played a prominent role in the Indian Independence Movement. She designed and raised the flag of Indian Independence in Stuttgart Germany. She worked in co-ordination with Shyamji Krishna Varma in India house with other revolutionaries like Virendranath Chattopadhyay Madanlal Dhingra Veer Savarkar.

All Seasons

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Season 1

Season 1

Aug 14, 2022