Genseishin Justirisers Plot
The series revolves around three humans named Shouta Date, Yuka Sanada and Shinya Hiraga who one day find themselves as the new heroes of the planet Earth. Centuries ago, an alien from Azure Planet named Nolun was battling an evil lord named Kaiser Hades. After a long fight between good and evil, Nolun's army won and Kaiser Hades was sealed somewhere on Earth. After so many years, Kaiser Hades returnes with his partner named Dr. Zora. Both of them decide to conquer Earth and send monsters such as the Zakoal, Cyber Knights and his large monsters named the Space Beasts to attack Earth. Seeing this, Nolun gives part of her powers to Shouta, Yuka and Shinya so they can transform and become the Justirisers! Armed with special powers and the Genseishin and supported by Mio, Reika and many other humans, the Justirisers are on the mission to defeat Kaiser Hades and his army though hades and his minions are defeated his older brother majin daruga and his imperial army soon come to destroy the planet now they must work hard to defeat this powerful menace.
Chouseishin Series Genseishin Justirisers aired on October 2nd, 2004.
Genseishin Justirisers Episodes
1. Appearance! Genseijuu Riseross
Shouta Date, a normal high school student, finds himself becoming a hero to fight against the arrival of the Hades Army hoping to resurrect its leader abandoned on Earth.
2. Riser Glen, Arrives!
Shouta finds himself unsure about his new duty as a Justiriser as he suddenly finds himself a target of a Cyber Knight of the Hades Army.