Soldier and Me

Soldier and Me Soldier and Me

TV Show

Soldier and Me Plot

Two teenage boys witness the murder of an old man, only for the old man to turn up alive after the boys notify the police.

Soldier and Me Soldier and Me aired on September 15th, 1974.

Soldier and Me Episodes

1. Conspiracy

September 15th, 197430 min

A Czech boy Szolda (nickname "Soldier") overhears some men speaking in Czech plotting an assassination of a cripple. Distraught and unbelieved, he persuades his only friend Wilcott to accompany him, late at night, to the execution site.

2. House of Secrets

September 22nd, 197430 min

The two boys break in and hide as the henchmen and later, cripple arrive. They overhear an argument and the cripple is shot. They manage to escape and call the police but a further surprise awaits them that will change their lives forever

3. Alibi

September 29th, 197430 min

Aware the Czech gang know where they live, the boys are in fear of their lives. After the police dismiss their story as a time wasting hoax, one of the henchman, "Smiler" finds them and the boys are forced to make a desperate decision.

4. Jump

October 6th, 197430 min

The boys go on the run North hoping to reach refuge with a friend of Wiloctt's. However they are hotly pursued by Smiler and the rest of the gang and are forced to cut their plan short by jumping off their train in the middle of nowhere

5. Cross Country

October 13th, 197430 min

Lost, cold and hungry the boys stay the night in an abandoned quarry where they find an OS map and try to navigate a route to Wilcott's friend's farm and safety. However the gang relentlessly pursue them to the point of exhaustion

6. Alone

October 20th, 197430 min

The gang have put the word out that the boys are escapees from borstal. The ruse works when a farmer rings them after scaring the boys from his hayloft. Exhausted but with refuge within reach they are unaware how close the gang is.

7. Hunted

October 27th, 197430 min

The boys make it to the refuge of their friend's farm only to discover it's the wrong one. The owner takes pity on them and gives them some food but secretly he too has heard of the runaways and calls the gang. All looks lost for the boys

8. Trapped

November 3rd, 197430 min

Captured, the boys are blindfolded and driven to a secret location to await their fate where another shock is in store for them. Meanwhile, the wife of the farmer who had turned them in starts having second thoughts about their identity.

9. No Escape

November 10th, 197430 min

As the truth about the cripple and his connection to the gang is revealed and with no-one knowing where they are, the boys realise that their fate is doomed.