Season 14 Plot
This season begins with a criminal start. In "Mr. Goodman's Revenge!", Rosalina gets arrested for the first time ever when she accidentally hit Mr. Goodman’s windshield with a hammer. This season was expected to be the second to the entirely on SuperBowserLogan and will be the second to be entirely affected due to the Cough-Cough pandemic. On February 11, 2021, Nintendo allegedly filed a Cease and Desist letter on Logan, meaning he can no longer use plushies to puppeteer his characters. They did this because of the show’s brand of humor and depictions of certain people. He and the crew may only use the human puppets from now on, or simply quit YouTube all together. Unless they can make a deal with Nintendo, the Mario plushies will no longer be used. This new change with the main characters as human puppets had led to this major huge controversy.
SML Season 14 aired on January 6th, 2021.
Season 14 Episodes
1. Mr. Goodman's Revenge
Mr. Goodman doesn't want to drop the charges on Rosalina!