Season 1 Episodes
1. The Hold Out
A widow being terrorized by a real-estate developer trying to force her out of her home.
2. The Money-Go-Round
A young man turns to crime to pay off inherited debts to a loan shark. Extortion and purse snatching by a bicycling thief heat things up and community service cops Alex Woodward and Johnny Dias move quickly to defuse a dangerous situation.
3. The Rebellion of Bertha Mackenzie
Two social workers are involved as a Metis mother of two children fights to keep from being evicted from her home.
4. Perhaps in Dreams Old Man
An informer's tip shatters the dreams of two elderly pensioners whose obsession with owning a farm in Alberta leads them to commit a rather unusual robbery.
5. Rape
The rape of a young woman soon to be married triggers a series of events affecting the lives of several people in addition to the rapist and his victim.
6. Do You Know Where Your Children Are?
A police inspector is torn between a sense of duty and paternal concern when he learns that his son has become involved in organized juvenile crime.
7. Strikebreaker
Tempers flare when a professional strikebreaker leads a group of scabs across a picket line.
8. Playing the Game
A young parolee is harassed by two overly zealous cops who employ barely-within-the-law tactics to extract information from him.