Season 3 Plot
Almost a year has passed since Baba Voss defeated his nemesis brother Edo and bid farewell to his family to live remotely in the forest. But when a Trivantian scientist develops a new and devastating form of sighted weaponry that threatens the future of humanity, Baba returns to Paya in order to protect his tribe once more.
See Season 3 aired on August 25th, 2022.
Season 3 Episodes
1. Heavy Hangs the Head
Baba embraces life in the mountains as hatred for the sighted grows in Pennsa. A Trivantian scientist develops a terrifying new weapon.
2. Watch Out for Wolves
After a devastating loss, Baba heads to Pennsa to warn his family. Maghra debates the Witchfinders’ fate. Wren stages a daring escape.
3. This Land Is Your Land
Wren arrives in Pennsa and shares information about Tormada’s plans. Tamacti Jun tries once more to quell the Witchfinders’ insurgency.
4. The Storm
Tormada presents his new weaponry to The Triangle as Baba leads a group to the House of Enlightenment to destroy Tormada’s arsenal.
5. The House of Enlightenment
A standoff at the House of Enlightenment gives way to a bloody siege between Baba’s party and Tormada’s soldiers.
6. The Lowlands
Baba and his group take a dangerous shortcut through the lowlands to get to Pennsa. Maghra and Tamacti Jun make a horrifying discovery.
7. God Thunder
Tormada and Sibeth launch a violent attack on Pennsa that puts Maghra and the city’s inhabitants in grave danger.
8. I See You
Baba and Ranger infiltrate Sibeth’s camp, determined to stop her and Tormada once and for all.