Sailor Moon Plot
Usagi Tsukino is a cheerful schoolgirl who often finds herself in unwanted trouble. One day, she saves a talking cat named Luna who gives Usagi a brooch that transforms her into Sailor Moon, guardian of love and justice!
Sailor Moon Sailor Moon aired on March 7th, 1992.
Sailor Moon Episodes
1. A Moon Star Is Born
Usagi Tsukino is a 14-year-old schoolgirl who is very cheerful, but clumsy and is always finding herself into unwanted trouble. One day, Usagi meets a talking black cat named Luna, who reveals that dark forces are threatening the lives of the innocent and that Usagi has the power to stop them. Using a magical brooch, Usagi is transformed into Sailor Moon, the chosen guardian who fights for love and justice.
2. Punishment Awaits: The House of Fortune Is the Monster Mansion
The boys at Usagi's school are misbehaving, and it may have something to do with the mysterious new fortune teller in town.
3. Talk Radio
All the girls in town are tuning in to the late-night radio program called "Midnight Zero" that reads out love letters sent in by the listeners. Meanwhile, a strange sleeping sickness is plaguing the town, causing people to fall into a coma-like state, including Ms. Haruna and Naru.
4. Slim City
Usagi is shocked to find out that she's gained weight from too much eating. Determined to get back into shape and fast, she and her friends join a gym that advertises instant results for its members.
5. Scent of a Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love
Usagi tries to convince her parents to let her adopt Luna, but her brother Shingo has a great disliking of Luna and slight ailurophobia. Later, a mysterious new pet store opens in town which is selling strange new creatures that put Shingo and everyone else who gets one into a hypnotic trance.
6. Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid
Usagi befriends Yusuke Amade, a jazz musician who is being followed by a Youma, and helps him confess to the woman he loves.
7. So You Want to Be a Superstar
Usagi and Naru both dream of becoming stars like Mikan Shiritori, a graduate from their school. When the girls hear that Mikan is holding a talent contest, they see their chance to achieve stardom.
8. Computer School Blues
The Sailor Guardians go to the Dream Land amusement park, where visitors have reportedly gone missing. The team splits into two groups: Usagi and Rei and Ami and Luna. But, much to Rei's frustration, Usagi is more focused on playing than finding the missing people.
9. Time Bomb
Usagi and Ami go to the city to enjoy some shopping, where they find a clock store selling a clock that resembles Luna. Later that day, Usagi is happy to learn that her mother bought the exact same clock as a gift. But that night, the clocks from the store emit a strange light, making Usagi and the rest of Tokyo very impatient.
10. An Uncharmed Life
Several people who take the bus near the Hikawa Shrine have gone missing. Usagi, Ami, and Luna decide to investigate by visiting the shrine. There, they meet Rei Hino, a shrine maiden with strong spiritual powers.
11. Nightmare in Dreamland
Queen Beryl is increasingly furious with Jadeite for his repeated failures; he starts up a theme park, but the general public notices the large number of disappearances. Usagi and Rei, who is now Sailor Mars, begin their combative friendship.
12. Cruise Blues
One of Queen Beryl's youma offers to help Jadeite with his wicked plans. Rei wins tickets on a luxury cruise ship and, since she has no boyfriend, asks Ami to accompany her. A jealous Usagi sneaks aboard after them.
13. Fight to the Finish
Usagi continues to be attracted to both Motoki and Tuxedo Mask. Threatened with Eternal Sleep if should he fail again, Jadeite confronts the Sailor Guardians at an airport.
14. Match Point for Sailor Moon
Nephrite is appointed as Jadeite's successor and begins selecting individual targets for energy, the first one being Naru's friend Rui.
15. An Unnatural Phenomena
Rei falls for Mamoru and persuades him to go on a date with her, whilst Nephrite targets the caretaker of a local park.
16. Wedding Day Blues
Usagi decides to enter a homemade wedding dress contest, while her home economics teacher is targeted by Nephrite.
17. Shutter Bugged
Nephrite targets a gifted young photographer, while Usagi tries to achieve her dream of becoming a model.
18. Dangerous Dollies
Shingo upsets his friend Mika, an award-winning doll maker whose skills make her the next target for Nephrite's energy gathering.
19. Who Is That Masked Man?
Nephrite takes advantage of Sailor Moon's attraction to Tuxedo Mask by sending love letters to Usagi and her classmates. Naru falls in love with him in his civilian disguise, allowing him to drain a large amount of her energy.
20. The Summer, the Beach, Youth and Ghosts
Usagi, Ami, Rei, and Luna take a vacation in order to train, but the hotel they have booked is haunted by a strange phenomenon.
21. An Animated Mess
Nephrite uses his most powerful Youma to target an animator working for the new Sailor V movie.
22. Worth a Princess' Ransom
Both Luna and Queen Beryl wonder if a visiting princess could be the one the Sailor Senshi has been looking for. Mamoru dreams he is Tuxedo Mask and a girl is asking him for the Silver Crystal. At the ball, Usagi gets her first kiss.
23. Molly's Folly
Zoisite decides to use Nephrite's recently discovered romantic feelings for Naru to manipulate him into handing over the Black Crystal to him.
24. A Friend in Wolf's Clothing
Still in love with Nephrite, Naru becomes an unwilling tool in the power struggle between Nephrite and Zoisite.
25. Jupiter Comes Thundering In
Queen Beryl partially awakens the evil entity Metalia and sends Zoisite and Kunzite to find the Seven Great Youma and their Rainbow Crystals. Meanwhile, the tomboyish Makoto Kino transfers into Usagi's school and falls for a crane-game whiz at the arcade.
26. The Power of Friendship
Naru is still very depressed after Nephrite's death. Usagi and Umino decide to take her to Yokohama to cheer her up. There, a kindly priest is attacked by Zoisite. Mamoru realizes that he is Tuxedo Mask, and drops a locket on the ground, where Usagi finds it.
27. Mercury's Mental Match
Ami meets Ryo Urawa, a clairvoyant boy who has a crush on her. However, Urawa's power makes him aware that he will soon be transformed into a Youma by Zoisite.
28. An Artful Attack
Usagi and Mamoru are asked to model for the reclusive painter Yumemi Yumeno, who is unexpectedly targeted by Zoisite.
29. Too Many Girlfriends
Makoto, like Usagi, develops a crush on Motoki. The two then decide to pursue him simultaneously, even after finding out that he has a girlfriend, who, meanwhile, is targeted by Zoisite and Kunzite.
30. Grandpa's Follies
After fighting off an attack by Zoisite, Rei's grandfather takes on an apprentice and begins acting strangely.
31. Kitty Chaos
Luna discovers that she has an admirer, in the form of an overweight tomcat named Rhett Butler. Meanwhile, the Sailor Guardians and Zoisite compete for the last Rainbow Crystal.
32. Tuxedo Melvin
Umino misinterprets Usagi's advice on seducing Naru, and begins to adopt the persona of Tuxedo Mask.
33. Sailor V Makes the Scene
Zoisite disguises himself as Sailor Moon to lure Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Guardians out into the open. The Dark Kingdom injures Tuxedo Mask's identity, but they are foiled by the appearance of Sailor Venus.
34. A Crystal Clear Destiny
Mamoru is forced to confront Zoisite in a duel over the Rainbow Crystals, but Usagi inadvertently becomes involved.
35. A Reluctant Princess
Usagi and Mamoru remember their former lives as Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion. The Dark Kingdom kidnaps the injured Mamoru, but Queen Beryl executes Zoisite for his attempt to kill him. Luna and Artemis tell the Sailor Guardians about their tragic past.
36. Bad Hair Day
Minako tries to cheer Usagi up by taking her to a hair salon, leading to the discovery that Tuxedo Mask is still alive, but now very different.
37. Little Miss Manners
Determined to become more like the princess she is supposed to be, Usagi decides to enlist in Countess Rose's Princess Seminar.
38. Ski Bunny Blues
Usagi and her friends visit the Moonlight Course skiing resort, unaware that Kunzite has sabotaged the Moon Princess Contest in order to unmask Sailor Moon.
39. Ice Princess
After discovering that the Moon Princess was once known for her graceful ice skating, Kunzite tries to use this information to trap Sailor Moon. The best skater among the girls, however, turns out to be Makoto. Tuxedo Mask appears to help them, but only because he does not agree with Kunzite's method of involving bystanders.
40. Last Resort
Usagi and her family visit a hot springs resort, while Endymion is sent to resurrect an ancient legendary monster.
41. Tuxedo Unmasked
Queen Beryl orders the seven people gathered who had carried Rainbow Crystals, intending to combine them into one huge youma. Ami is determined to protect Urawa. Sailor Moon tries to heal Endymion.
42. Sailor Venus' Past: Minako's Tragic Love
Kunzite probes Sailor V's connection with the Sailor Senshi by targeting Katarina, an old acquaintance of Minako's.
43. Fractious Friends
On orders from Queen Beryl, Kunzite and his Youma investigate the rumors of a rift between Sailor Moon and the other Inner Sailor Guardians, who seem to want both the mystical Moon Stick and the Silver Crystal for themselves.
44. The Past Returns
A blast of energy sends the Guardians to the ruined Moon Kingdom, where they meet a hologram of Queen Serenity and learn about their past. Luna and Artemis find the entrance to the Dark Kingdom. Kunzite attacks, but is finally defeated by Sailor Moon.
45. Day of Destiny (1)
After defeating Kunzite, regaining their past memories, and discovering the Dark Kingdom's hideout the Sailor Senshi head for the enemy, but they must prepare for the ultimate sacrifice.
46. Day of Destiny (2)
With her friends killed, Sailor Moon is transported inside the Dark Kingdom to face Queen Beryl and the brainwashed Prince Endymion.